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(Photo creds to whoever the person is)
Leila's P.O.V.
Max blacked out from the blood loss he endured from Andy. Doctors are trying to stop the bleeding and I had to step out of the room to calm down. I can't stand my little Max to be in so much pain because I love him. Yes I mean it.

How did I start to realize my love for him?

*Flahsback to 6th grade*

Well where it began was middle school. I didn't meet him in elementary school because I was in a separate school. We met at the orientation for the 6th graders so technically we were still in 5th grade. The first day of 6th, I had an art class with him and when he walked in with his cute flipped over hair, band tshirt and his red ripped jeans. I thought he was really cute. I was afraid at first to say anything because my brother would've destroyed me and ruin everything that I had.

My brother was very protective of me and whenever I was acting differently, he would hound me until I gave in. This time, I didn't act differently. Max and I were assigned to be partners in a project which was the highlight of my 6th grade year. We had to create a vision of our inner thoughts while also trying to make it a mystery. Max started to draw something which looked like music notes and something with a heart.

I had to sit back and let him finish so that I could do my part after. When he turned to grab paints, I quickly drew hands that were interlocked with a small glow of pink in between. "What is that suppose to mean?" He asked looking at me with those soft eyes. " means that every single person has love within them and everyone can unite." Which was half true, I drew it to symbolize us holding hands when we got together.

Throughout 6th grade, I've realized how unique he was and that I could be his friend no matter if I was beginning the "popular girl stages" or not. 7th grade was when I knew that society is rough on people like him. I was walking to my locker when I heard a familiar voice, "Leave me alone!" Max was being held against his locker by my awful brother. "Shut up you emo faggot. No girl will ever fall for you!"

I became angry and I punched my brother hard in the arm, "Let him go jerk face." He dropped him on his ass and turned to me, "Leila shut up. Let's go home." I rolled my eyes and let him go first. When he was far enough away, I helped Max up and handed him his books. "I'm sorry about my brother. If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you."

Ever since that day, I've seen the poor thing get beat up on a daily basis or weekly basis. One day, he got beat up so bad that he ran to hide from the bullies which was a small space under the stairs where anyone could go. I saw him run past my class so I asked to go to the bathroom. Which was a lie, I carefully walked to the space under and there was a terrfied Max backed up into the corner. "P-Please go away..."

I kneeled down and Max was covering his face. "Max? It's me, Leila." When he uncovered his face, I noticed that he had a black eye and a huge bruise on his cheek. "Did they do it to you?" He nods slowly and I carefully moved towards him. "Please Leila...go away...I'm not worth your time...or popularity." I sighed and got to gently touch his unbruised cheek. "Max, I don't care about being popular. I care about you and your safety. Want to go to the nurse?"

He looked away but nodded, "Come on, let's go." We got out from under the stairs and walked to the nurse.

That wasn't his worst day in school ever. This day, was the day, I snapped inside. It was in 9th grade, Max was not even one foot into the school when a huge group of jocks pulled him into the auditorium. Max was shaking like a leaf as they threw him onto the stage. They gathered around him and smirked. "Well. Well. Well. Mister emo fag Max. You ready to have fun?"

All he could do was look at him because he was frozen in fear. Andy, (the head jock that I mentioned earlier), stepped into the circle and picked Max up by his shirt. "You will regret the day that you were born." He slammed his head into the concrete wall and watch him stumble. They grabbed his hair and punched him extremely hard in the face. His face was starting to bruise over but they weren't done. They brought pipes, anything that could cause major damage and started to beat him senseless. He became a limp body on the floor because he was beat until he was unconscious.

How did I know? I saw the jocks drag him into the auditorium but when the torture started, I was stuck frozen with shock. But what snapped me out of it, was when Andy spoke up. "We did you a favor faggot. You won't be interested in Leila anymore or even try to talk to her once she finds out how weak you are. She won't even speak up for you anymore."

"THINK AGAIN ASSHOLE." I screamed as I walked up onto the stage with anger burning in my body. "Leila? Did you see everything?" I nod, "Yes I did Andy." He started to chuckle, "What is little Leila going to do? Tattle?" I smirked, "No. This." I kicked him hard in the groin that sent him straight down to his knees. The other boys just watched in shock, "GET OUT!" They left Andy as he looked up at me, "You're sticking up for this runt? How pathetic."

I shake my head, "You know what's pathetic? Being kicked in the groin by a girl and not being a man." Andy struggled to get up and he left slowly holding his private area. My eyes went to Max who was still unconscious but still breathing. I looked at his black and blued face as I carefully picked him up. "Max...I'm sorry I couldn't help you...I'm so sorry..." I carried him to the nurse where she called the principal.

I named all of the jocks who beat Max up and they were all suspended for a couple weeks. After this, a cop had to watch over Max when they came back.

You can see how much I care about him.

*Flashback over*

I've cared about Max for a long time and I won't stop caring. "Leila?" The doctor called me in and Max was starting to wake up. "He suffered severe trauma which will take a while to heal but he pulled through. You can stay with him and becareful when you touch him." I nod and carefully sat next to him on the bed,"Max...?"

He whimpered as his eyes opened, "L-Leila...?" I gently played with his hair, "I'm here baby." Max looked at me with so much pain and misery, "I-I...feel ashamed..." I snuggled into the side of him, "It's not your fault. Andy attacked you and you had to suffer the awful consequences. He won't ever hurt you again. He has been arrested." He moved so that he could hide his face in my neck, "You're in safe hands now Max. I'm not going anywhere."

What Andy has done, is the lowest of his lows. Attacking Max and make him feel embarrassed to even show his face in public is going to haunt Max for the rest of his life.

Don't worry Max, no one can ever hurt you again. Not when I'm around.

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