First Time Wonders

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Max's P.O.V.
Leila grabbed my arm and whispered, "I want my own private dance please." I bit my lip and nodded, "U-Um...o-ok follow me..." I grabbed her hand and took her to my private dance room.

I sat her down in the chair and went to the stage. I gripped the pole and danced to Goodbye Agony by Black Veil Brides (yes im a super emo) I spun up and then slid upside down until my eyes met hers. My hair covered my eyes and her gentle hand moved it so I could see.

"Max." My eyes widened and she kissed me. SHE FLIPPING KISSED ME! I got down from the pole and my face was beat red. "I-I shouldn't h-have done that...I-I..." I gently kissed her while cupping her cheeks, "You're so cute." She smiled and blushed, "I-I thought you w-were always cute."

She smiled and giggled, "I wish those jocks weren't mean to you because I would date of the jocks is my brother..." I sighed and looked down, "It's ok...I understand...none of the popular-" She kissed me deeply, "Max, I'm only 'popular' because Im pretty and all that bullshit."

The next thing she said shocked me, "I liked you since 5th grade...I thought you were adorable all dressed up in skinny jeans, band tshirts, converse and bracelets." I hugged her tightly, "Max? What's wrong?"

I buried my head into her neck, "I love you...I love everything about you...please dont ever leave me." She picked me up like a child and set her head against mine. I blush and wrap my legs around her waist then wrap my arms around her neck.

She giggled and looked at me, "You're very light. Do you eat a lot?" I bite my lip and look away, "Max, you have too. Do you want to go home?" I sighed, "My parents kicked me out today..." She kissed my cheek, "You can stay with me, my brother lives with his girlfriend so he won't be home at all."

I smile and grabbed my stuff. She grabbed my hand and walked to her house. I was quiet the whole time and she would sneak in sweet kisses on my cheek. I blushed and looked up at her since she is taller than me.

She would look at me smiling and she brought me to the guest room, "This is the guest room and you will stay here." I nod and sit on the bed, "My parents never come home because they are always on business trips." I nod again listening to her, "I-I'm sorry to hear that.." She sits next to me, "It's ok, you don't have to be nervous around me."

She held my hand and I looked down blushing so much, "You're really cute." I look at her and she looks back. She leans in and kisses me. I kiss her back and she pulled me close to her. I blush and look into her eyes, "Max you don't have to be afraid to love me. I won't let any of the jocks hurt you. I promise."

I yawn and nod, "You should get some sleep. We have school tomorrow." I hug her, "Good night Leila." She hugs me back and kisses me, "Good night Max. If you need anything I will be in my room." I take off my shirt and stretch, "Sweet dreams beautiful." She blushes and goes to her room.

I take off everything but my boxers and get under the blankets. I close my eyes and slowly fell asleep. I was terrified of what will happen tomorrow at school...

~The Next Morning~

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off at 5 am. I sigh and looked at it. My boss wanted me to come in early for work at ends at 2:45...I'm screwed. I got up and got dressed. I had an extra pair of clothes in my bag so I put them on. I fixed my hair and sat on my bed awkwardly in silence.

I played on my phone until Leila woke up and I laid down. She knocked on my door, "Max you up and dressed?" I yawn, "Yes I am." She opened my door and she was wearing a baggy tshirt with a messy bun. "Did you sleep well?" I shrugged and she came over to me, "You ok to go to school?"

I nod and hugged her, "Alright let me get dressed and we can go get breakfast." She leaves my room and got dressed in a pair of purple jeans, a black crop top to show off her belly ring and her black flats. She curled her hair and grabbed her bag.

"Ready Max?" I grab my bag and nod, "Yeah..." She held my hand and we went to her car. I got in the passenger seat and she got into the driver's side. She drove to Denny's and we sat in a booth, "Order anything you like."

I looked at the menu and got nervous. The waiter came over and looked at Leila, she ordered then he looked at me. I was choking on my own words then Leila spoke up, "He will have the chocolate chip waffles with bacon and chocolate milk." I handed him my menu and looked at her dumbfounded, "How did you...know?"

She smiles and takes my hands, "I can tell by the way you get breakfast every morning. Same old thing every day." I blush and look away, "I know...not very interesting." She reaches over and grips my hand, "You're very interesting to me."

It is like I'm talking to a is possible?

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