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Jongin set the two pieces of cake on the table before taking a seat.

"Our drinks will be out in a second"

"Okay" Kyungsoo nodded softly

"I need to tell you something....But before I can tell you I need to apologize. I need to apologize for not telling you about the whole popularity thing and how fast a relationship could go viral if I had one. But listen to me, Kyungsoo I'm in love with you and I'm not going to just give you up. I want you here in my life. I want to be able to hug you and kiss you and take you out any chance I get. Because Jesus you've taken over my brain. Everything I do, I do while thinking of you" Jongin spoke reaching for Kyungsoo's hand

Kyungsoo stood up, Jongin's eyes frantically watching every movement horrified that he'd walk away. He stepped closer to Jongin his hands cupping the olders face. Kyungsoo's eyes fell shut as he pressed their lips together. This time a much softer and meaningful kiss. Jongin froze at the sudden move of confidence from the younger.

"Jongin I love you too" Kyungsoo pulled away his face redder than a tomato

Jongin smiled widely his hand cupping Kyungsoo's cheek.

"Another date tomorrow?"

"I-I have a test" Kyungsoo spoke backing away to sit back down

"Then what about we finish eating here and I take you to the park?"

"The park? It's starting to become cold" Kyungsoo spoke taking a bite of his cake

"Well, do you like dogs?" Jongin smiled

"Yes why?"

"I have three so I was thinking we could walk them and walk around."

"I'd enjoy that" Kyungsoo smiled softly


Jongin parked in the parks parking lot both men getting out. (Lol so many parks)

"Aren't we going to get the dogs?" Kyungsoo asked softly

"Nope, my assistant is bringing them"

Kyungsoo nodded following Jongin into the middle of the park. Jongin reached for Kyungsoo's hand holding on tightly as he walked. Kyungsoo smiled softly as he stared at their connected hands.


Jongin looked over seeing Minseok struggling to keep the dogs near him. The three tugged at the leashes at the sight of Jongin. They were all more than excited to see their owner.

"My babies!" Jongin smiled widely as Minseok let them go

They ran straight for him licking his face as they tried to get equal amounts of attention.

"They're adorable" Kyungsoo smiled

"Jongin, your face is bruising" Minseok sighed walking up

"It doesn't matter" Jongin shrugged

"You have a dinner with Mr.Wu tonight"

"I need that cancelled, he'll understand."

"What is so important that you keep canceling all your schedules for!?"

Jongin didn't answer, instead he pointed back at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have a date" Jongin spoke grapping the leashes

He handed one to Kyungsoo and held onto the other two. He gripped onto Kyungsoo's hand pulling him away from Minseok. The dogs ran ahead excitedly as the two walked behind them.

"Why did you cancel your dinner?" Kyungsoo asked curiously

"How about a movie at my house tonight? Just a movie nothing too special" Jongin smiled

Kyungsoo thought for a moment before nodding. His face suddenly became red as he thought of what could happen.


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