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The Next Morning

Kyungsoo yawned tiredly opening his eyes. He felt an arm wrapped around his waist and a body pressed against him. His eyes went wide and he quickly looked down at his body.

"Oh thank god" He whispered slipping out of the bed

Jongin was still fast asleep and Kyungsoo stood there for a moment staring. He shouldn't have drank anything last night. He only remembered bits and pieces of the night. Like the ride in the elevator when he asked Jongin to kiss him, and when he kissed Jongin before going to his room. His first kiss wasted being drunk.  But he didn't remember how or why Jongin was in his bed.

"Jongin" Kyungsoo shook him nervously

Jongin opened his eyes looking at the nervous Kyungsoo. He smiled softly sitting up.


"G-Goodmorning, um I have to go to school"

"Alright, what time is it?" Jongin asked standing up


"Is it alright if I drop you off on my way to work?" Jongin asked grabbing his phone


Kyungsoo turned around opening his closet. He grabbed a new set of clothes before walking into the bathroom.

5 Minutes Later

The two sat in silence as Jongin drove. Jongin's phone began to ring breaking the silence. He clicked the button on his steering wheel the loud voice of his assistant immediately filling the car.


"I had a date" Jongin smiled

"A date.......A DATE!?"

"Minseok I told you I was gonna be busy last night."

"Do you understand what would happen if news broke of you on a date?"

"Uh there'd be news of me on a date?" Jongin chuckled

"Stop being a smart ass Jongin. Whoever you went on a date with will be the talk of the year. That's a lot of pressure"

Kyungsoo looked over nervously at the amused Jongin.

"Listen I gotta go I'll see you at the office"

Jongin hung up parking his car outside of Kyungsoo's university.


"Why couldn't you tell me? I didn't sign up for fame....I just wanted a date" Kyungsoo teared up

"I wanted one night to get to know you. Kyungsoo I'm sorry I like you a lot"

"This isn't what I wanted" Kyungsoo cried getting out of the car

Jongin watched as Kyungsoo walked away. He hit his steering wheel before driving off. He felt horrible. He should have told Kyungsoo about the whole thing.

YAY another chapter! I hope you have a good day or night!

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