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That Night

Kyungsoo sat nervously on the front steps of his apartment complex. His hands were sweaty and his breath was shaky. He saw an expensive car pull up and he stood up instantly. His heart began to pound as the door opened. Jongin stepped out of the car smiling up at Kyungsoo. He walked over to the now blushing male handing him a bouquet of flowers.

Kyungsoo's eyes widened and he looked down at the bouquet. He had never received flowers from anyone. He felt really warm inside. A wide smile filled Kyungsoo's lips as he gripped the bouquet.

"Thank you"

"Should we get going?" Jongin smiled

Kyungsoo nodded following Jongin out to the car. Kyungsoo got in the car looking around nervously. This was his first date.

At The Restaurant

Kyungsoo sat down infront of Jongin looking around.

"Do you drink?"

"N-Not often"

"Are you alright with wine tonight?"

Kyungsoo nodded looking down at the menu.

"Can I get you two something to drink?"

"Can we get a bottle of red wine?" Jongin spoke up

"Alright, I'll go get that for you"

"U-um can I have a glass of water with That?" Kyungsoo spoke nervously

"Of course"

The waiter walked away and Kyungsoo shifted in his seat.

"So, Kyungsoo I never got the chance to ask how old you were"

"I'm 22"

"Oh you're a bit younger than me" Jongin bit his lip

Kyungsoo stared at Jongin in confusion as he continued.

"I'm 25"

The table went quiet and Jongin nervously started a different conversation.

"You look great tonight"

"Th-thank you"

Later That Night

Jongin parked his car outside Kyungsoo's apartment the two getting out as soon as the car shut off. Kyungsoo was a giggly stumbling mess and Jongin could now understand why he didn't drink often. The boy had drank almost the whole bottle of wine by himself out of nervousness. And Jongin was a little drunk himself.

"I'm gonna walk you up" Jongin smiled opening the door

Kyungsoo stumbled past the front desk tapping the elevator button. Jongin walked over holding him by the waist so he wouldn't fall.

"You know, tonight was amazing" Kyungsoo giggled

They stumbled into the elevator and the doors shut when Kyungsoo tapped the button for floor 3.

"You need some sleep" Jongin chuckled

Kyungsoo leaned against Jongin looking up at him. His face was flushed from the alcohol and his eyes were focused on Jongin's lips.

"Soo?" Jongin spoke softly looking down

"C-can you kiss me?"

"Kyungsoo you're drunk, you don't want that" Jongin shook his head as the elevator doors opened

They stumbled out Kyungsoo leading Jongin to his apartment. He unlocked the front door walking inside.

"I'm gonna sleep on your couch" Jongin spoke plopping on the couch

Kyungsoo stumbled over leaning over Jongin. Jongin's eyes were closed as Kyungsoo leaned over him. The older was completely unaware of the smaller. Kyungsoo smashed their lips together causing Jongin's eyes to fly open. Kyungsoo pulled away smiling softly.

"Goodnight, I have a king sized bed to cuddle in if you want" Kyungsoo informed him as he walked into his bedroom

Jongin stood up from the couch following Kyungsoo into his bedroom Kyungsoo was already laying in bed, well laying on top of it. Jongin tapped Kyungsoo's leg causing him to look up. Kyungsoo moved getting under the blankets. Jongin crawled into the bed pulling Kyungsoo closer.

WOOOOOOOOO WHAT? All This? A kiss? Confident Soo?

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