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Three Weeks Later

Kyungsoo sat inside the small cafe writing down his feelings in a journal. He felt a bit different than usual. He felt happier than usual and it was all because he had someone on his mind. Kim Jongin. He had came to the restaurant every week most of the time alone and would talk to Kyungsoo while he gave him his food or drinks. Kyungsoo felt weird, he didn't know what to call his feelings exactly.

"Can I have a black coffee and a piece of cake?"

Kyungsoo dropped his pencil looking over. Jongin was standing in line waiting for his order.

"Jongin" Kyungsoo called out with a soft blush on his face

"Hey there cutie" A wide smile spread across Jongin's face as he grabbed his coffee

Kyungsoo became flustered not knowing what to say as Jongin walked over.

"Are you free tonight?"

Kyungsoo sat there in silence for a moment listening to his heart beat. That's when his phone began to ring.

"I-I'm sorry" Kyungsoo spoke frantically pulling his phone out

"I'm a bit b-busy Baek"

"What!? I'll be there right away!" Kyungsoo spoke frantically collecting his things.

Kyungsoo shoved his phone in his pocket looking up at Jongin teary eyed.

"I-Im sorry something's happened to my friend" He spoke shakily

"Please, go don't worry about me" Jongin shook his head

Kyungsoo ran out dropping his journal on the way. Jongin noticed it grabbing it from the floor. As much as he didn't want to intrude on the males personal buisness he wanted to know what the boy was writing. Jongin opened it up to the last page beginning to read.

I've never felt like this before. When I look at him my heart pounds. When I hear his voice my heart pounds. When he talks to me my heart is on the verge of explosion. I don't understand what this means. Were Baekhyun and Chanyeol right about the whole crush thing? Is this what it feels like to have a crush on someone? It's scary. But I think I'm falling in love.

Jongin shut the journal smiling softly.

"You're so innocent and It's so cute" He whispered to himself


Kyungsoo ran into the hospital room seeing Chanyeol laying in the hospital bed passed out. Cuts covered his face and a cast on his leg. Baekhyun was beside the bed sniffling.

"Baek...What happened?" Kyungsoo asked starting to cry

"H-He was coming to get me and someone slammed into his car"

"Is he okay?"

"He's the only one that got hurt....his leg is broken his face is all cut up and he has a really big cut on his side" Baekhyun cried

Kyungsoo held Baekhyun closely as they cried. At least Chanyeol was okay.

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