Chapter 12: Feeling Shitty

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3rd Person P.O.V.:

Aizawa was unable to go home that week. Meanwhile, Yashi couldn't sleep. He was so used to someone else, other than the cats being home. Luckily, Present Mic stayed over during the night and took care of dinner, as well as comforting Yashi.

Everyone has noticed that Yashiro was more gloomy than usual. That was all going to change today.

Yashiro's P.O.V.

Hizashi-san has been subbing for Ai-san. I wonder how long that's going to be until. Suddenly, the door opened and my previous thoughts dissipated. Ai-san was walking into the classroom. He was still covered in bandages, but at least he could move. Most of us were surprised, so it didn't bother anyone when I stood up.

Ai-san locked eyes with me, before turning to the rest of the class. "How can you be moving?" "That must hurt like hell" "You shouldn't be moving around, Aizawa-sensei", Ochaco-chan, Kirishima-san, and Tsuyu-chan said, in that order respectively.

"Enough about me. The fight isn't over", Ai-san replied. We all panicked. 'More villains? Another attack?' "The U.A. Sports Festival is in two weeks." We all sighed in relief. "I suggest that you all train as much as you can in that time period", Ai-san made a reminder on the board.

"Wait, but isn't this too sudden? We were just attacked!", Ochaco-chan reasoned. Ai-san looked at her. "This event is too important to cancel", he turned to the rest of us, "The Sports Festival allowed other Pros to see what you can do, and decide if they want to train you at their hero agencies." I nodded. It made sense to me, but that could just be me. "Couldn't villains end up attacking?", Tsuyu-chan asked. "Pros from around the world will be there, so even if a villain were to come here with ill-intent or otherwise, they wouldn't get very far. Plus, we are already designing more security precautions. So, no." The rest of the class locked satisfied with that answer.

Hizashi-san was teaching english again. I was sitting straighter and I had been trying to not smile, but sadly, I was failing. 'Ai-san is okay, Hizashi-san!' , I thought to myself. I had to put my head down because I was embarrassed. Smiling for so long must have made me look like a creep or something.

Eventually, school was over for the day. Everyone was talking to each other about training times and diets. Midoriya-san was talking to Iida-san and Ochaco-chan, while Kirishima-san and Mina-chan were talking to each other. I looked at the time. I sprang from my seat and ran out the door. "Wait, Naka-kun! Where are you going?", Mina-asked. I turned around and both Kirishima-san and Mina-chan were in the doorway. "I'm going home", I responded. "Okay. G'night, bro!", they both shouted as they waved. "Wait! Let walk home with you!", Iida-san rushed out of the classroom and joined our once-was-ended conversation. "Can I come?", Ochaco asked, also joining in our interaction. I just sighed. Knowing their personalities, they wouldn't let me go home alone.

Midoriya-san, Ochaco-chan, and Iida-san all walked with me. It sort of freaked me out. Not that I don't enjoy their company, but they all have this aura of content-ness and I haven't seen anything so pure. Well, there was that one time that Moon (one of the cats) mewled for the first time, but that was two years ago. Once we were all at my house, I noticed that they were all just sort of staring at my house.

I fumbled with my keys, finally unlocking my door. 'Wait...Isn't Hizashi-san home..?!', I quietly panicked. The door flung open, and there he stood in all his glory. Luckily, he had his hair in a man-bun which was hidden by a fedora. He was also wearing one of Ai-san's shirts. They were both roughly the san build, which meant that it looked perfectly normal. He was wearing normal glasses instead of sunglasses. My only problem, was his voice. "Hey, Yashi. Who are they?", he asked, having more of an American accent (If you're confused, I'm American, but they are speaking Japanese. In all languages, there are different accents depending on where you come from. Or, like in Korean, there are dialects). "Ah, these are some of my classmates", I responded hesitantly. They each introduced themselves. "Well, we must be going. Have a good night, Mr. Nakandashi and Nakandashi-san", Iida said, walking off with the others.

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