Chapter 4: All Grown Up...Well, Almost

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It's me again. So, I've obviously decided to skip between a few years. Mostly because of how long it would take to finally get to the part we are all familiar with. Btw, I thought that this would be worth noting, Yashi turned 15 right in the middle of 9th grade (the school system in Japan is way different than what I'm used to, but I decided to use it in this story for accuracy. Basically, elementary school is k-6th grade, middle school is 7th-9th grade, and lastly, highschool is 10th-12th grade. I hope that cleared things up).


Strands of pink blew rapidly around Yashiro's shoulders and neck. Three years had passed; Three long, caring, and even fun years. His smile was weakly shown on his face as he opened the door to the small, yet welcoming home. "I'm home", he said, barely above a whisper.

"Hey Yashi, come and tell me if this tastes okay", a gruff and gentle voice called from the kitchen. Yashiro quickly took his shoes off and set his bag down. Then, he dashed to the kitchen. The smell was amazing! Who knew someone like Aizawa could cook?! The raven-headed man took a few of the pasta noodles that he had boiled, and covered them in a little bit of the sauce. Yashiro was almost too excited and could have burnt his tongue. "It's amazing, Ai-san!", Yashiro exclaimed with a crooked smile. Aizawa nodded and said,"Y'know kid? Why don't you call me anything else? Like, by my first name or my whole last name?" "Well, Ai-san, it's because you treat me like family, and family needs love, right?", Yashiro answered.

A tired chuckle escaped the pro hero. Yashiro usually did these sort of things with names. 'Ai' means love, so of course, he calls one of the more bitter pro hero something so sweet (Other examples will be displayed throughout the story!).

Yashiro and Aizawa got their own plates of food and sat in front of the tv. A lot of stuff seemed pretty common. Such as the multiple news stories, some soap operas, anime, cooking shows, and some cheap movie knock-offs that played all day long.

About 11 of their cats sat with them and pretended to be humans sitting and watching. "What do you want to watch tonight?", Aizawa boredly asked. The bubblegum boy pondered for a second and realized that his favorite soap opera started a minute ago, and that's really all it takes for something to either go to town or to fall ungracefully. "WAIT 'AKIRA AND THE AMERICAN' IS ON!", Yashiro shouted, making both his throat and Aizawa's ears hurt.

"What is 'love'?", a tall, black-haired man asked in poor english. The blonde woman on screen chuckled. "'Love' is something that I cherish most", the man moved closer. "Then, are we in love, Caroline?", he picked up her chin and had a smirk plastered on his face. She suddenly ripped away from his grasp and tears built up in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Akira. We could never be like that", the beautiful, blonde lady ran off the set. Akira watched as she did with tears as well. The light was turned down, meaning that the end credits were about to come on screen. Aizawa noticed and changed the channel. Yashiro was crying, but it was just a you-just-got-left-on-a-cliffhanger kind of crying.

Aizawa sighed and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. "Well Yashi, I think you should try to go to sleep. I'll be waiting for a mission announcement in here. You know the drill", the tired hero explained. Yashiro nodded and went to his room. It was a gray with many little patterns painted here and there. One wall was a wall of quotes. Another, for flowers. The last two were mostly for posters and stuff like that.

His bed had black sheets and fluffy, white pillows. He had a gray nightstand right next to it that was full of art supplies. A bookcase with a couple of manga in it was in a corner.

Yashiro sighed and got dressed into some plain black pajamas.

Tomorrow is a new day...Wonder what'll happen...


After a bit of exploration, Yashiro found one shop that he had always wanted to peek inside. "Ai-san, I think I should get my ears pierced", Yashiro said in a quiet manner. "Alright. Let's go then", the two males walked into the shop to get the said thing done.

"Ay, new customers. Haven't seen a father-son duo like you before! What can I do for ya?", a tall, busty woman asked. The woman had dark skin and light hair. She seemed like she could take down godzilla if she wanted to. "U-um...I'd...I'd like to get my ears pierced...", Yashiro explained. "Yeah, okay! First things first, there are a lotta things ya gotta do if ya want to keep your ears from getting infected. That means to clean your earrings everyday. Also, you'll be able to wear more dangl-y earrings in a couple months. Now then, just want 'em in the lobe, right?", her voice was very smooth and her hazel eyes seemed kind. "Right", Yashiro answered. The woman nodded and motioned for him to take a seat in one of the chairs. "Wait here. I'll go get my tools."

Aizawa sat down next to Yashiro, even though he wasn't going to be getting a piercing. "So, why do you want them?", Aizawa inquired. Yashiro thought about it for a couple seconds. "I've never really found many things to be that pretty. However, earrings have always caught my eyes...earrings and a couple other things...", Yashiro explained almost embarrassedly. Aizawa grunted in a gentle way to let Yashiro know that he understood.

"Alright, I'm back. Now, I need ya to hold still while I mark where they're gonna be", Yashiro did as he was told. Eventually, he had gotten his earrings and cleaning solution for them. "Come back if they're bothering ya!", the lady yelled as the began to trek back home.

After they walked inside, Yashiro hugged the pro hero with a lopsided smile. "Thank you for today...", Aizawa hugged back with a smile of his own. "Of course, kid. Anything for my son."


Hey, thanks for reading this chapter! Yashi is about to enter U.A, so don't worry! You'll start getting more bxb stuff coming your way! I just wanted him to have more bonding time with Aizawa since it was so sudden. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the next chapter!


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