A little bit about Yashi!

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Now, I don't own My Hero Academia, but I have been a fan for years and I would like to congratulate Horikoshi Kohei for creating the series and having it become so popular!

About Yashiro
Name: Nakandashi Yashiro

Mother; (formerly) Nakandashi Saki
Father; Nakandashi Watari
Siblings; None

Nicknames: Yashi, Hero/Hiro, Naka, and Cotton Candy

Likes: He likes any types of food, except for seafood (idk). He doesn't really care about what he wears, as long as it isn't showy. He likes music and yeah. That's it.

Dislikes: His appearance, his hair color, his quirk, his dad (he never really spent time with his mom so he doesn't really resent her), the guards, bullies, those who threaten (especially those who threaten to rape), being called girly or "doll". And most importantly, old guys.

8 - Shoulder length light pink hair, bright yellow eyes, slightly tan skin, elf-like ears, long eyelashes, plump and rosey cheeks, average height for his age.

Clothes: usually just a plain white or black shirt and some shorts. He doesn't want to alert anyone with what's going on.

12- longer and shaggy-er pink hair (it's starting to turn a light blue at the tips), the same yellow eyes, eye bags that stain his face, the same face shape and ears, facial features starting to define (such as his jawline and cheekbones), his tan skin is becoming lighter as the days pass. Tall for his age, but he hasn't grown much because of malnutrition.

Clothes: Only wears black because the guards keep ordering certain clothing items that make him embarrassed and frustrated

15: Hair reaches his lower back and his hair is now half bubble gum pink and half baby blue.He also shaved one side and left the rest long. His eyes are still yellow (gee, what a shocker... Way to go, author-san). His eye bags are still there, but they are slowly going away, he still doesn't sleep much but yeah. His ears are a tad longer and he is getting piercings before a certain event. He's going outside more and regaining that tan that he had lost. His facial features are well defined, making him the person you don't call ugly in middle school--why am I like this? Back to my baby boy, he's starting to paint his nails because it helps him cope when he remembers his past suddenly (all them other bois turn to drugs but N O P E). A little bit shorter than average for his age.

Clothes: basically anything from Hottopic. Not necessarily 'emo' clothes, just like anime themed clothes and/or panic! themed clothes. Clothes like that. As for pants, he just wears black dress pants or dark-washed jeans. He usually just wears some dark sneakers. Other than that, he wears the U.A. uniform.

Piercings: stud (and sometimes dangling) earrings and that's it because I don't feel like adding more accessories.

Sexuality: Gay...but afraid to admit it

Personality: Usually very quiet. Often mistaken as shy, which he only gets when he starts feeling for someone. Cautious around new people and often doesn't talk to new people. Tired most of the time (later on he starts sleeping more, but he also gets nightmares easily).

When he's more comfortable with people, he talks more and less formal. He also begins to allow himself to express what he really feels, even if he feels as though keeping it inside is best. He's sort of smart but he's not at the same time. He average (your average Highschool magical girl--).

When he trusts someone, he opens up and eventually tells them about his past, although it takes a while. He gets more comfortable with physical contact. He only accepts hugs from certain people and will eventually accept kisses from a special boy~. He definitely doesn't speak formally any more. He talks a little more and even starts to hold entire conversations with the people he trusts. It does hurt his throat though. He hasn't talked to people in a while and his throat is still a bit raw from screaming, but he doesn't really care.

He finally starts to see his self worth and appreciate who he is. He eats more and sleeps more. Because eventually, things get better.


Hey, so this is my first time ever doing a character description. I still need to do one for Seiji and for Watari. I probably won't do one for Saki because she isn't really in Yashiro's life, so she won't be in the story. If I make a grammar mistake or a spelling mistake, it's probably because my phone is being stupid so don't be afraid to point it out. Anyway, I hope you read the next chapter! 


Cotton Candy (BNHA x Male!Oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang