Chapter One: Sealing the Deal

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Hey, so I just realized that this chapter might be a little cliché or something like that. If you missed the warning in the description, there will be mentions of rape and sexual harassment, especially in the first few chapters. Other than that, please enjoy!


No one's P.O.V:

It was a nice, warm, sunny day. Great for swimming and eating ice cream! However, one was not enjoying such activities.
A young boy with pink hair and glowingly happy yellow eyes skipped towards his father. The boy was wearing a short sleeved shirt that said, "Not Today" in black bold print, and had on some black shorts to go with it. His father squatted down and cupped his child's cheek gently.
His wife had left recently, and because he was a stay-at-home dad, he couldn't afford to have his son anymore. Deep down, it pained him, but, he thought it was for a great cause.
"Ready to go?",the bubblegum-haired child nodded. He wasn't fully aware of what was going on, but he was sure that his father would explain on the way there.
"So...where are we going?",the father sighed. "We are going to a prison that my friend runs", he answered with a tinge of guilt. At the word 'prison' the child flinched. He was only eight and has always been kept at home. What sort of crime did he commit?? Worry flooded the childs mind until his father spoke once more.
"*sigh* You didn't do anything wrong. Plus, you will be well protected. I'm just.....just not able to do that....anymore...". He kept his eyes on the road, but in the mirror, the child saw regret, sadness, worry, and doubt written on his face. The boy let the information soak in as he played with his fingers.

(Time Skip)

The prison was on the outskirts of Musutafu, Japan. The walls where high and the fence was heavily secured. To anyone, it seemed pretty safe and sound. Once the duo went inside, they were greeted by an old man who had obviously seen some stuff. The child hid behind his father. "Hey Watari! It's been a while, huh?",Watari nodded his head and stepped to the side a bit. "Well, what do we have here?" "This is my son, Yashiro. I was wondering if he could stay here for a while...?". The old man pondered for a few seconds.


"Of course!", the sudden exclamation made the boy, now known as Yashiro, jump. "Didn't mean to scare ya, kiddo! My name is Seiji, but you can call me gramps", the child slowly smiled and nodded.
Yashiro was then given a tour of the building. Of course, he wasn't allowed in certain places. The control room and certain floors were off limits if he wasn't accompanied by an adult. I mean, he was only eight so it makes sense.
He eventually got shown the side of the building where the guards who stay full time sleep and such. "I'll be right across the hall if ya need anything", Seiji said as he unlocked the unused, yet clean room for Yashiro. "...Thanks",his yellow eyes had lost a little bit of that happy glow, especially since this was such a sudden change. He stepped inside and noticed how blank the room really was. The walks were an off-white and the bed was neatly made with white sheets and pillows. Even the dresser and desk were white. The only things that weren't so boring were the mirror and the dark gray swivel-chair.
It's not too bad..., Yashiro thought to himself. At his 'old' home, he had the same stuff, they were just more colorful and had toys (and action figures) displayed on top. It was getting pretty late, or so he assumed. It was around 2:15 p.m. when they left the house and taking a tour takes a while, especially in such a big place. Welp, he just realized that he forgot his suitcase in his dad's car. He was sort of bitter about him just leaving like that, so he didn't really want to ask for Seiji to call him. The pink-haired boy got under the covers with the clothes that he had on and, after around 5 minutes, was sound asleep.


The guards had seen the child, though, they thought that he was a 'she'. "Hey, did'ya see that girl?", Guard 1 asked (I'm not giving these shitheads names soooo). "Yeah. How's about we go and...'check up' on her, ey?", Guard 2 suggested. Now, we all no where this is going, and honestly, I'm not all that comfortable talking about this kind of stuff. I'm just going to give a summary:
They saw that 'she' was asleep and stripped her down. Eventually, they figured out for their stupid selves that 'she' was a he. They didn't care. He woke up at the right, yet wrong time. No one could hear the screams because of the soundproof walls. They went until Yashiro was barely breathing. Yashiro didn't sleep for the rest of the night.

Summary Over (I really didn't want to go into detail about that...)

The next morning, the young boy laid in bed, eyes dazed and cold. A strong burning sensation was making him want to scream once more. He knew he wouldn't be able to stand as the burning spread all throughout his legs, all the way down to his feet, then to his toes. It stung. He knew it wouldn't go away. The smell was horrible and it made him want to vomit, but he already did that and didn't want to make another mess. Especially since there were already so many fluids all over his body. Blood, bile, vomit, and the stuff he could never bear to see or smell again.
Those assholes locked the door from the inside to make it seem like nothing was going on. He was mad at himself for not using his quirk. Tears welled up in his eyes without him even noticing. The burning feeling in certain areas got worse, but he didn't feel anything in that moment. The hot tears started streaming down his cheeks. "Why...why me here?", he seemingly asked the thin air as he laid back down in exhaustion. I'm going to die.


Hey, so this is my first fan-fiction!
I already know who the love interest is going to be, but if you want to vote, go ahead!
Here are the 'candidates':

Midoriya Izuku (broccoli boi)
Shinsou Hitoshi (sleepy boi)
Kaminari Denki (pikachu)
Baka- I mean- Bakugo Katsuki (angry Pomeranian)
Todoroki Shoto (Icy-Hot)
Kirishima Ejirou (best boi (fite me m8))
Iida Tenya (fast boi)
Tokoyami Fumikage (emo birb)

Mineta Minoru (I'm just kidding please don't--)

Alright! If I make a mistake, just tell me! Btw, you can find the video at the top from Ambition on YouTube! The video's called Cute Songs To Help You Cope With Anxiety. Okay, now I'll say bye.


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