Chapter 20

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If you're uncomfortable, you can skip ahead. I'll give a heads up when the smut will start. I'll mark the end of it with <~~~>

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The effects of the boy earlier were still in effect, though it already passed the time the effects should be gone, as Todoroki was hugging Hajime tightly. The older male gave a sigh.

Hajime had moved them both from the living room to his room. Now, they were on his bed. He was lying on his back while Todoroki was lying on top of him with his arms wrapped around the other's waist.

"Todoroki." Hajime called as said male gave a hum in response, soon resting his chin on Hajime's chest as he looked at him. "Let go of me, as much as I like hugging, it's getting rather hard to breathe."

Todoroki pouted in response. Hajime's cheeks turned red slightly before he pulled Todoroki up, kissing him on the lips which surprised him. The white and red haired boy kissed back but Hajime pulled back as the other whined.

"Don't pout so much." Hajime reached his hand up at Todoroki who was sitting on top of him as he pushed away a few strands of his hair. "I won't be able to hold back if you act so cute."

Todoroki blushed slightly as he casted his gaze to the side, fiddling with his fingers. Hajime raised a brow before his lips formed a mischievous smirk.

"Or was that your plan from the beginning?" Hajime's smirk grew as Todoroki nodded slowly, still looking away. "That boy, he didn't actually hit you with his Quirk, right? At least, not accidentally."

"I-I just..." Todoroki looked at Hajime who was waiting for an explanation. "I felt like I wasn't giving you much affection so... I asked him to hit me with his Quirk..."

"Shouto." Hajime smiled as Todoroki felt his heart skip a beat. "Just you being by my side is enough, you know that, right?"

"I know that but I just felt like it wasn't right..." Todoroki trailed off.

"We haven't really done that, have we?" Hajime gave a smile as Todoroki looked at him with a timid look. "You've changed over the years."

"Having a classmate like Mineta will do that. I didn't really understand at first but I asked Ashido and she-"

Hajime kissed Todoroki on the lips once more as the latter was cut off. The white haired male pulled away.

"Stop saying other people's name." Hajime pulled Todoroki down, leaning to his ear which was turning red. "Because tonight, you'll be screaming my name."

Smut coming (but that ain't the only one coming--//slapped)

Todoroki's face turned red as Hajime switched their position. Todoroki watched as Hajime took off his shirt, showing off his rather muscular body. His heterochromic eyes trailed over to the scar that was across his stomach.

Todoroki trailed the scar with his fingertips as Hajime flinched at the sudden touch.

Hajime leaned down and kissed Todoroki once more. He licked Todoroki's bottom lip, asking for entrance which he granted.

While in the middle of the making out session, Hajime unbuttoned Todoroki's white shirt and started feeling around his body. Todoroki let a small moan slip as he felt his nipples getting fondled.

"I guess you're sensitive there, huh?" Hajime continued to massage Todoroki's right nipple as he watch him letting out small moans. "Let's see where else you're sensitive, shall we?"

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