Chapter 17

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Had noticed that it's been a while since I've last updated.

I've honestly lost my motivation to continue this tbh. It's hard for me to write about a series that I've only recently watched. Like with Assassination Classroom, I can literally write two chapters a day because I've seen it in 2016.

Well, have my apologies. I'll probably end this at chapter 20. That being said, these last few chapters will not be following the anime. It'll be about Hajime's past and I guess, a little push to his relationship with Todoroki.

Kinda rushed so yeet
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A little boy with black hair was running through the woods. His shirt was torn and showed some signs that there were attempts of stabbing since some parts were ripped.

He stopped and hid behind a tree, crouching down as he covered his mouth to stop his sobbing from coming out.

It was utterly useless.


The boy froze as he looked up slowly, his terrified violet eyes starring into identical violet eyes that were empty.

It felt like it was darker than usual. And it was. The shadows were growing closer and closer, as if blocking the boy's vision.

"Geez, don't run off like that. Big brother is very worried, y'know?"

The little boy, not knowing what to do, cried harder. He felt like it was the only thing he knew how to do. When he's face to face with his older brother, he felt like there was nothing he can do.

The older male crouched down in front of the boy and gently caressed his cheek lovingly. But the boy knew better. The gentle touch could turn into a hard slap in seconds.

"Don't cry, I feel so bad. It's ok. You'll be ok. There's nothing to worry about, my dear."



With a loud thud, Hajime fell from his bed and hit the floor hard. As another cuss word slips pass his lips, he rubbed his eyes and stretches, still on the floor.

The white haired male glanced up at his alarm clock and saw it was 5:00 AM.

"God, going back to school sucks like ass." Hajime muttered, pulling his blanket and hugging it as he mumbled other things under his breath.


Hajime yawned before shoving his hands in his pockets.


Hearing his last name, he turned his head and sees Midoriya waving timidly at him as he approached the older male.

"G-g-g-good morning." Midoriya stuttered out, nervously glancing side to side.

"Ah, yeah, morning." Hajime responded as he scratched the back of his neck. "How's uh, school?"

'The fuck I sound like a dad.'

"O-oh! U-umm... it's going well." Midoriya smiled nervously.

"You're so nervous, loosen up a little." Hajime playfully punches Midoriya's shoulder.

Midoriya nodded, stuttering out a quiet "ok". They both walked to school in silence. Hajime felt Midoriya was glancing up at him the whole walk but didn't say a word.

They got inside the building and was walking to Class 1-A.

"U-umm... y-you don't have to walk w-w-with me.." Midoriya stuttered out while glancing to the side.

"Nah, it's not a problem. Besides, I'd like to see someone..." Hajime was the one who glanced away now.

"Is it Todoroki-kun?" Midoriya looked at Hajime before covering his mouth as if he wasn't supposed to say that.

Hajime stopped in his track, looking at Midoriya as the green haired boy also stopped walking.

"... how did you know?" Hajime questioned with his brow raised.

"U-umm.. w-w-well, y-you and Todoroki-kun have been c-c-close and I-I thought..." Midoriya continued his muttering which was giving away everything.

"Does everyone in the class know or what?" Hajime questioned.

"Well..." Midoriya looked away with a nervous smile.

"Fuck me..." Hajime muttered.

Just then, Todoroki walked over with his usual stoic expression. Hajime looked at Todoroki.

"I-I-I have to go, s-see ya around, Owari-san." Midoriya bowed and continued to walk to his class which was rather close.

"What were you two talking about?" Todoroki questioned as he gripped the handle of his bag.

"Ah, nothing, I was just walking him to class." Hajime stares at Todoroki's face.

Todoroki's grip got harder and he put his head down, glancing away. Hajime frowned slightly. He opened his mouth to say something but before he could, Todoroki grabbed his hand and dragged him away.

With a thud, Hajime was slammed to the wall of the back of the school. Todoroki placed his hand at the side of Hajime's head, his eyes staring into Hajime's.


Todoroki didn't say a word. He actually didn't know exactly what to say. Dragging Hajime was just out of spite. Whether he had a plan or not, he wouldn't be able to utter a single word.

"What's up with you?" Hajime questioned as he tilted his head slightly.


Hajime's eyes widened in surprise at Todoroki calling him by his first name. He got even more surprised as Todoroki closed the gap between them, placing his lips against the mask that was in between his and Hajime's lips.

Todoroki slowly pulled away as he looked at Hajime's face that was turning redder by the second. Hajime looked away, lowering his head.

"W-was that you confession o-o-or what...?" Hajime glances up at Todoroki who had his cheeks slightly red.

"Yeah, I've liked you for a while now." Todoroki said with a small smile.

Hajime blushed even more, if that was possible, as he stared at the holy smile of Todoroki. He stood up straight and stared down at Todoroki.

"That didn't really count as a kiss, you know that, right?" Hajime questioned.

"I do." Todoroki nodded slowly.

Hajime smiled as he pulled down his mask, revealing his full face now. Todoroki stared wide eyed at Hajime's face, taking in the information that Hajime has a beauty mark at the end of his lip on the left.

The older male grabbed Todoroki from behind the head and pulled him up, trapping his lips with his.

Todoroki gripped onto Hajime's jacket, closing his eyes as he kissed back. Hajime pulled back, pressing his forehead against Todoroki's as he looked at Todoroki's heterochromic eyes.

"Now that's a kiss." Hajime smirked at Todoroki's face turning redder and redder.

Well, that was an interesting turn of events.

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