Chapter 2

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Hajime wears the uniform like Iida (or any guy who buttons his suit jacket up), wears the tie loosened, the white shirt has a few buttons unbuttoned and he also wears a scarf. Also, just want to make something clear, Hajime is wearing those face mask you use when you have a cold or something (or what the doctors and nurses wear), he is not in fact wearing those spa mask thingy.


Owari Hajime fixed the scarf around his neck as he walked to U.A. High School. He's supposed to be undercover as a student, trying to become a hero, reporting to the "League of Villains" information and stuff. He wasn't so fond of the idea but obeyed nevertheless. 

He finally arrived at the school, he saw other students arriving as well, not that he cares. The violet eyed boy crossed the street and entered the school grounds. He pulled out a piece of paper that had which his class is. 

'Class 1-A? I know I was number one on that entrance exam but still...'

Hajime continued his way to his class, passing many other classes. When he arrived, he was unfazed by the gigantic door. Clicking his tongue, he slid the door open. When he entered the classroom, everyone stared at him. 

'Is it because of the scarf or the face mask?'

Hajime ignored their stares and went to the back of the class, sitting behind a girl with black hair. When Hajime sat down a boy with spiky red hair came over to his desk, along with a boy with blond hair and a girl that slightly looks like an alien or something.

"Hey, you're that guy who got number one on the entrance exam with the robots, right?" The spiky haired boy, Kirishima Eijiro, asked while grinning.

"Uh... Yeah...?" Hajime answered, his voice slightly muffled by the face mask. 

"Do you have a cold or something?" The blond, Kaminari Denki, asked.

"No, I just wear it..." Hajime answered quickly, wanting to end the conversation so he can continue dying more on the inside.

Before any of them could question Hajime even more, the door slid open, revealing a boy with green hair. Hajime immediately recognized the boy, remembering the events at the gates of the entrance exam with the glasses boy. 

Things happened here and there, Hajime didn't pay attention and didn't care honestly. Although, Hajime did start paying attention when a man came in holding some sort of sleeping bag. The teacher, Aizawa Shota, told the students to change into their gym uniform for a Quirk assessment.


All the students of Class 1-A were at the field in their gym uniform. Hajime, still wearing his scarf and face mask, started to day dream. Only when Hajime felt eyes on him he finally got out from his day dreaming. He looked to the side and saw a boy with white hair on the right side of his head and red hair on his left, he reminded Hajime of Canada's flag. 

"What?" Hajime asked, uninterested but still asked.

"Nothing," the boy answered as he looked away lazily.

Hajime shrugged it off and looked at Aizawa who was explaining about the exercise. 

"Oh, and one more thing," Aizawa said. "Whoever's last in everything will be expelled."

Now that got everyone panicked. Hajime, being Hajime, didn't put in any effort whatsoever in any of the tests. Now, it was the ball toss. You basically have to throw the ball as far as you can, you can also use your Quirk to make it go farther. 

The angry bird, Bakugou Katsuki, used his explosion Quirk to make the ball go farther. A girl with brown hair, Uraraka Ochaco, got infinity since her Quirk is Zero Gravity which means everything she touches float.

The green haired boy, Midoriya Izuku, was then called. He nervously went to the front and held the ball in his hands. On his first try, he got 47 meters but on his second he got over 700 meters. Apparently, on Izuku's first try, Aizawa used his Quirk to nullify Izuku's Quirk which is the reason why he got only 47 meters.

Bakugou also ran towards Izuku, probably having the intentions of hurting him. Aizawa stopped the angry bird with his scarf thingy. Hajime mentally noted the teacher's abilities.

"Now, it's Owari Hajime's turn," Aizawa said as he looked over at the white haired boy.

Hajime lazily walked to the front and held the ball in his hand. Glancing back at Aizawa, Hajime then threw the ball. He stuffed his hands in his pocket, lazily walking back to where he was standing.

"720.4 meters," Aizawa said, amazed at the distance.

'I used my Quirk on him but it didn't effect him in he slightest, either he doesn't have a Quirk or his Quirk is pretty much useless in terms of throwing objects.'

"How the fuck is that even possible?!" Bakugou yelled, his hands creating explosions. He looked at Hajime, more like glared dangers at him but the violet eyed boy seemed unfazed.

Hajime wasn't last, but he wasn't first. In the end, Aizawa was just lying about the person being last is going to be expelled. Izuku, being the person at last, let out a sigh of relief.

On the way back to class, Hajime was stopped by none other than Izuku.

"Hey, um... Owari-san, you're really strong," Izuku complimented with a smile and Hajime swears, he saw flowers around Izuku.

"Not really, you're stronger, if you use your Quirk right," Hajime said, looking at Izuku's slightly sweating face. They just finished the assessment so maybe the sweat was from moving around so much but still, Hajime had his suspicions.

"Hahaha... Y-yeah, I guess you would know since y-you saw me at the entrance exam..." Izuku stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Your legs and arm were practically broken after you used your Quirk. Same goes when you threw the ball, only your index finger is severely damaged though," Hajime pointed out, seeing Izuku panicking even more and trying to hide it.

"Y-you're really o-observant, Owari-san," Izuku stuttered once more, looking away.

'This is bad! Owari-san is observant, sooner or later he'll find out...!'

"If I were to compare your Quirk with a Pro Hero..." Hajime trailed off, looking to the side before looking Izuku dead in the eyes. "I would say All Might."

And at that moment, Izuku froze. He couldn't move a muscle. His mind was blank. Izuku's green eyes stared into blank violet eyes that seemed to stare into his soul. He couldn't think at all. His heart was beating so fast maybe Hajime could hear it.

"Don't take anything from me seriously," Hajime said. "We should head back to class, see you there."

"A-ah, y-yeah... See you..." Izuku said, finally snapping out of his frozen state.

He watched as Hajime started walking ahead. His mind started to go into a panic.

'Ahhhh!!! This is really, really bad!! Owari-san might find out if I use my Quirk in front of him, I have to be careful. Should I tell All Might? No, it might cause even more trouble. But I don't know what to do, ahhhh!!!'

Hajime turned a corner and pulled out his phone, typing in some words before pressing the send button and walking back to class.

Report of First Day: success

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