Chapter 4

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2 months later

Jasmine P.O.V

After what happened at the party, August and I have gotten closer. We kiss here and there but we still are not together. What I can't understand is when boys try to flirt with me or get my number he gets very upset like tf we are not even together. But enough about him. Kae did take the test and found out that she is Pregnant. When she told Chris he was very happy and the rest of the crew was too. The crew and I have gotten closer and I'm glad. I never knew that I could have friends like these. Also I did die my hair. It's a burgundy and it's so cute with my skin.

Anyway I'm getting ready to go to the mall with the girls and we gone meet up with the guys later. My outfit today was

A maxi dress

My brown wedge sandals

My shades and my jewelry

I put on light make up and was on my way.

When I got in the mall, the girl and I had plenty of bags. Then we we soon finished and headed to Cheddars to eat with the guys.

We were all seated in this order Me,August,Kae,Chris,Trey,Sevyn,Honey, Kid,Michael,Chyna,and Shad. We had random conversation until our waiter came and let me tell you boy was he fine. He was brownskinned,pearly white teeth, hazel eyes, and a sexy deep voice. All while he was taking orders he kept looking at me. From my side eye I could see August getting mad and turning red. Haha let's see how this go.

" What may I get you beautiful" he asked.

" Umm I would like a sprite with the shrimp and Chicken. I want beans with fries and a side of you" I say winking as the girls say Get it girl and the guys laugh all except August who was sitting here fuming.

Before he could respond Aug responded.

" Could just take the order and get the fuck on already damn and stop eye raping here nigga" August said.

The boy looked surprised but wasn't at all afraid.

"I'm so sooo sorry Forgive him please and thank you" I say with an apologetic smile.

"No problem" he says walking away.

" Aug what the fuck was that" I say semi-yelling.

" Ol'boy was looking at you wrong" he says shrugging.

"You know what we'll talk about this later" I say in his ear.

For the rest of our time there everyone engaged in conversations about different topics except Aug. He sat and ate silently. I really need to find out what is wrong with him.

After everyone was finished, we headed out separate ways but I asked Aug to follow me to my house so we could talk.

When we got to my house, he still didn't say anything so I broke the silence.

" August what was that back there" I ask looking at him.

" I said ol'boy was looking at you wrong. What else do you want me to say?"

" Well I want you to start off by telling the truth cause we both know that is not your reason for going off on him like that" I say raising my voice a little.

" Ok. You want me to be real, ok here it is. Ever since the kiss we shared at the party I began to catch feelings for you . And every time I see some nigga trying to push up on you, I get angry. There I said it" he says looking at me.

" Well why haven't you expressed these feelings already" I ask curious.

" Because I thought you may be like the others just want a niggas money and dick and then leave you heartbroken. I didn't want to go through that again."

Loving The Quiet Phat Girl(August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now