Breaking The Ice

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(Roc's POV) 

Wow , Did that just happen? I never expected this so soon. Ari looks way different she doesn't have her red and black hair anymore she has that honey blonde hair. She got so thick too! and she has a baby girl too , Well our baby girl , She looks just like me and Ari she's beautiful. I wish Ari would have at least  called and told me that she was pregnant , I could have helped out! I don't want my daughter calling some other dude "daddy" I know Ari better not be allowing her to call him that , That's my name.Anyways It's been 3 hours since this whole incident even happened , Chaz and Ari argued at the studio and he told her to leave , It was awkward for us because I was In the middle of It. I had to talk to Ray Ray about this problem , He said I should go and talk to Ari and settle things.I'm on my way to her place to go talk to her and figure this whole thing out.

(End Of POV) 

Roc goes to the address Ari gave him and knocked on the door waiting for Ari to open up and invite him. Instead Chaz opened the door and he has this stern look on his face like he wanted to beat Roc up right there. 

Roc:Um , Is Ari here?

Chaz:Why are you here Roc?

Roc:She wanted to talk to me 

Ari walks up behind Chaz to see what was going on 

Chaz:Why did you invite him here?

Ari:Because he has some serious explaining to do 

Chaz:I'm going for a walk 

Ari:Are you mad Chaz?

Chaz:Um , Yeah! He's gonna try to steal you away from me 

Roc:Dude chill

Chaz:You shut the hell up and let me talk to MY girlfriend 

Roc:Well she's MY Ex-Fiance and my babymama so chill and I haven't even seen her for 2 years 

Chaz:Whatever , Ari get your "boy toy" 

Ari:Chaz, He's not sexual associated with me anymore 

Chaz:Mhm , Well call me If you need something while I'm taking this walk , Don't try anything August 


Chaz leaves and Ari invites Roc In and they both sit on the couch , Roc sits next to Ari but she scoots over to the end of the couch. 

Roc:You wanna be like that Ari?

Ari:Oh shut up Chresanto ,You have some damn nerve 

Roc:Your the one who invited me here 

Ari:Yeah, What happened that night was unacceptable and embarrassing 

Roc:Oh really now? Ari you aren't the only one who's hurting or felt embarrassed 

Ari:Obviously your the one who did It 

Roc:No! It was Prayla...

Ari:What? Why would she do that?

Roc:Cause she was jealous of me and you 

Ari:Why would she be jealous of us? It's not like ya'll were intimate or anything


Ari:You guys weren't right? 


Ari:Oh fuck , You were? You are so sick first Keisha! then her! Chresanto August you are a pig in disguise 

Roc:I'm sorry Ari , It was just that Prayla went to jail for me and she really loved me and-

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