chan pt.2

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it's been over 4 months now and i've been getting better. after the breakup, i wasn't my usual happy-go-lucky self but instead i was the go-away-rat self

i started looking for a job after i moved in with my best friend because the most i can do to repay her is help her with the rent and bills

i found out my favorite restaurant is hiring and decided to take the opportunity before it was taken away from me. i called the restaurant and they scheduled an interview with me in a few days

few days later

i stared at my closet as i didn't know what to wear to the interview

i turned around to look at the time and realized that i would be late if i didn't hurry myself up

i quickly slipped on a white v-neck shirt and a pair of plaid pants. i grabbed a blazer in case it gets windy and slipped on my shoes before leaving the house

when i got to the restaurant, the manager greeted me with a very enthusiastic smile. i tried returning the smile back but it didn't turn out so great

we walked into his office and he started asking me questions about myself and if i have any type of experience with restaurants

after what felt like an entire 2 hours, he finally said the words i've been waiting for, "okay, i'll get back to you most likely tomorrow, but don't be nervous because i'm really considering you for the job."

"oh my gosh, thank you so much. have a nice day," i exclaimed with a real smile on my face this time

i drove home and did some chores around the apartment and ran some errands as i waited for the next day to come

ring! ring!

i felt a vibration from my phone and quickly picked up the call, seeing it was from the restaurant manager


"hi y/n! i called to inform you that you got the job and i'll be expecting you to show up prepared and ready to work tomorrow morning at 10am sharp."

"thank you so much! i won't disappoint."

"that's good to hear, have a nice day y/n."

"thank you, same to you!"

i got up from the couch and started jumping around squealing out of happiness

"what are you doing?" my best friend walked in holding a plate of cookies while giving me a judging look

"i got the job!!" i said excitedly

"oh my gosh! i'm so happy for you," she said as we started jumping up and down together

she suggested for us to go out and celebrate, but i told her i prefer staying inside and watching movies for the rest of the day

the next day, i showed up to work on time and immediately got to work

i heard there was going to be this big group of boys coming in later for lunch and that they're really famous

not gonna lie, i kinda got nervous after i heard that because i didn't want to embarrass myself in front of big people

the door opened and i turned to see the group of boys walking in with what seem like their manager leading them

they all walked in taking their seats and i was about to go up to them to give them their menus, but then i stopped walking when i saw a familiar face

who would've thought i'd seen him again after we broke up

i took a deep breath, and decided to man up and not be a coward. i walked up to them and gave them all their menus and i can sense chan looking at me as i was doing so

after a while, they all ordered their foods and i went into the kitchen to give the chefs their orders. as i was standing behind the counter, counting money, chan walked up to me in front of the counter

"hey," he greeted me

i slowly looked up to see him smiling down at me. "hey," i mumbled back

"how has it been for you?" chan asked as he rested his palms onto the counter

"i'm doing great, thanks for asking. now if you don't mind i have work to do and you're distracting me." i walked away from him and went back to my work

after what felt like at least 40 minutes, all of the boys finished eating their lunch and one-by-one started walking out of the restaurant. i can see chan telling his manager he'll pay for the food and for them to go to the car first and wait for him

he walked back up to me and passed me the $100 bill. i gave him his change and receipt and was about to bid goodbye, but he told me that we needed to talk

i looked at him for a moment thinking he had lost his mind, but as i stared into his eyes i can see the emptiness in them and how lost he looked

i eventually gave in and told him to text me when he has the time and want to talk

we bid goodbye and i went on with my day while he went on with his


i was about to fall asleep on my couch when all of a sudden by phone buzzed telling me i just received a text message. i looked and saw it was chan texting me

chan: hey, are you free?

y/n: yea i am. you wanna talk?

chan: yes please

y/n: then talk

chan: ok so i know what i did back then was super douche-y of me and i was an asshole back then and the pain i caused you affected you deeply. i'm so sorry for causing you all of these problems. i realized how much i love you and how much i needed you when i've realized what i've done. i still love you so much y/n and you deserve everything in the world and someone who can treat you better than i can. i just hope you can forgive me

y/n: chan i still love you. the pain from 4 months ago is still there but i have been getting through it. i hate you so much for cheating on me, but a part of me can't help but to forgive you even though i don't want to. you can get a second chance, but if you mess this up i will not hesitate to cut off all contact with you.

a/n: lmao i'm so tired and sleepy atm and i still have homework to do but i'll just do it tmr morning before leaving for school. exams are almost coming up urGh. i just started getting less work and was just about to go back to writing but then exams are around the corner so i have to do some studying ew

i'm kinda sleep deprived at the moment as well like no joke i literally typed half of this chapter with my eyes closed bc i couldn't keep them open any longer whoops so my apology if it doesn't make any sense

going✈️ to write the next 3 requested imagines hour. deuces.

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