An Unexpected Foe

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Major Paul Richter was an average sized man, just taller than the Doctor. He had eyes that had seen combat, death and loss, yet not nearly as much as the Timelord. He had brown hair, most of which was hidden under his peaked cap, which was decorated with embroidered ornamentation. The rest of his service uniform besides being black, had it's own various pieces of decoration, the purpose of which was unknown to the Doctor, a good old name tag could always work. He stood up straight with his hands behind his back. He was facing the greatest ally the Earth had ever had, and he wasn't here for a friendly meeting. The Major watched the Doctor clasp his hands together and look at the large screen. He also caught a smile from his female companion. Then the Doctor spoke, "The weapons system on the moon. It's automated."
     The Major cleared his throat, "It is."
     "So how do you know if your visitors are peaceful?" The Doctor turned back to the man in charge.
     "It was decided by our leaders that this was the safest course of action. Aliens have visited before, pretending to be peaceful. There were always casualties."
     "Ah. Yes. That's just as well, but, you lot already know who are peaceful and who aren't."
     "That may be. However, we can not let aliens roam the streets just yet. The public isn't ready."
     "The public isn't ready? As a collective, the public have seen enough to know that there's something going on outside your atmosphere. Of course if that's what you think then all you have to do is simply tell your visitors to turn around and find somewhere else. You don't need to shoot them out of the sky." The Doctor was managing, quite well, to not raise his voice.
     "And what if we do Doctor. If we delay opening fire to open a communications line, that would give them plenty of time to figure out that we have weapons on the moon, and they may not take kindly knowing that they've missiles trained on them."
     Clara decided to make a contribution to the conversation, which sounded more like a quiet argument, "Why don't you just, not aim guns at them?"
     The two men looked at her, then turned to look at the screen as a blip sounded on a radar. Major Richter leaned over one of the many shoulders, "What is it?"
     The young UNIT member responded, "The radar has picked up a cloaked ship, sir. It isn't far from the moon."
     "What kind of ship?" The Doctor asked.
     "I can't tell, it's too heavily cloaked." He started typing on the keyboard. Major Richter stood up straight again and looked at the Doctor, then sighed. "Delay opening fire."
     "I said do not fire. Open a communications link." He sounded hesitant to speak the words. The Doctor turned and smiled at Clara, who was watching the large screen, a radar had appeared, and a small dot was flashing.
     The UNIT member looked up at the screen, "Comm link activated sir. Weapons Standing by."
     "Put me through." The Major cleared his throat again, "This is Major Richter of the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce. Your vessel has been detected and is cloaked. Please identify yourself."
     And then...
     "A scan has been detected on the moon sir, they're scanning it." The young man was typing on the keyboard. And then a voice came through from the vessel, a voice that made everyone in the room stop what they were doing and look up at the screen, a voice that made the Doctor's face turn to that of disbelief and fear, a voice that sounded harsh, and horribly metallic, grated through to them, "MULTIPLE WEAPON SYSTEMS DETECTED ON LUNAR SURFACE! EXTERMINATE!"

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