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The Doctor leant forwards slowly, "Not on my watch." He turned around, straightened his bow tie, then walked towards the door. Clara followed quickly, "Doctor? What're you thinking?"
Margaret stood up also, she looked worried. Could this man be serious? Could he be wanting to shut down the project? Does he know what that will cause? As they left her office she slowly started towards the door as well.
"Who's in control of Torchwood?" The Doctor shot the question at Margaret as she appeared in the doorway.
She thought for a second, then answered, "Captain Harkness, I believe. Doctor. What're you doing?"
A small smile crept onto his face, "I'm pretending I have a plan. However, that plan consists of me making up my plan as I go along. It normally has a positive outcome." He spun on his heels, his purple jacket lifting from the little wind the spin created, and started towards the elevator that they came down in. Clara followed closely. "Doctor? You're leaving me out just a little bit. Where're we going?"
He turned to look at her briefly, "Right. Yes. Sorry. We're going to Torchwood."
"Torchwood, of course... What's that then?" She looked up at him as they entered the lift, the Doctor pressed a button and the doors closed.
"It's an institute of...alien hunters. They track down any stray aliens, or 'strayliens' " He smiled at his made up word.
"Australians?" Clara frowned.
"What? No. No, strayliens. Stray and aliens. Stray-liens. Oh, never mind." He huffed. Clara chuckled.
"You've made up better words than that." She smiled.
"Probably." The doors of the elevator opened again, showing the desolate surface of the moon. The Doctor walked out and looked around. He spotted, and then started walking towards the TARDIS. Clara hurried afterwards, "Why are you in such a hurry?"
He smiled, "Oh, I dunno. Maybe I'm looking forward to it, or maybe, I'm forming a plan without knowi-" He walked into nothing and fell backwards, dust clouding slowly around him. Clara held back a laugh.
"I think the, uh, forcefield is still a little bit activated." She smiled as he stood up and twirled around, fixing his bow tie.
"Just a little bit?" He scanned it with his screwdriver, then read the reading. He returned the screwdriver to his inner pocket then looked around. He walked over to and tapped a small camera.


The sound of him tapping the camera filled the room. It was unexpectedly loud. Margaret had covered her ears. When it stopped the Doctor started talking. "Oi! You lot. Let us go and i promise I won't shut you down."
A man sat at a monitor screen looked back at her, "Ma'am?"
She considered for a second, then came to a decision, "Let them leave."
"Yes, ma'am." He turned back to his monitor, and heard a small sigh from behind him.


The camera disappeared back underground, and the Doctor stood up straight again.
"Did they do it? Is the forcefield down?" Clara asked. The Doctor answered both her questions with his next move, he took a large step further than where he fell. He then continued forwards, Clara following behind.
"Cardiff." He said as he unlocked the TARDIS door and stepped inside, walking over to the console.
"Cardiff?" Clara asked, following him inside and closing the door.
"Yes, Cardiff." He started up the TARDIS.
"What's Cardiff?" She continued.
"Torchwoods HQ. The first one anyway." He turned a dial.
"Ah, ok then." She leant against the railing again and watched him. "Why are we going to Torchwood?" She asked.
He looked up at her, and pulled a large lever down, "To see Captain Jack Harkness, he's an old friend of mine, a very...old friend."

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