Project: Earth Defence

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"Take a seat." She said, it sounded more like an order. The Doctor sat down in the chair opposite the desk and put his feet up, receiving a death glare from the woman sat behind it. Clara moved forwards and stood beside the Doctor, there were no more than two chairs in the room, and both of which were taken. "So," She continues, "We'll start again, who the hell are you!" Her voice raised on the last two words, and the Doctor removed his feet from the desk, and sat up straight.
     "I'm the Doctor." He began.
     "Doctor what?"
     "If you like, and this is" He waved his hand in the air, thinking for the correct word. "Associate, Clara Oswald."
     "Do you have any identification?" She sounded bored. The Doctor reached into one of his pockets and produced his psychic paper, she looked at it, almost annoyed. "Inspector? We don't get inspections."
     "Well you're having one now." He looked up at Clara, almost instantly she understood and picked out a notepad and pen from her little red bag on a strap over her shoulder, and began writing something, mumbling "Unfriendly...welcome..." as she did.
     The woman sat up straight, the Doctor smiled. She coughed, then introduced herself, "My name is Margaret Bonsly. I am the Director of operations on the Moon as part of Project: Earth Defence."
     The Doctor leaned forwards, "Earth Defence?"
     "Yes, it was decided that, once the Earth's Leaders had got together after an attack on our planet almost a thousand years ago, that they should make use of this rock. And so, with the co-operation of Torchwood it was converted into a weapons station. Of course we couldn't tell that to the public so large eco-domes were built to make it look nice from the ground. It is probably one of the longest running projects of mankind." She sounded proud. The Doctor gave a stern look.
     "What is the purpose of this weapons station?" His voice had gone scarily serious, very quickly.
     "We protect against invading forces, or 'aliens'. The surface of the moon contains at least seventy five silos for heat-seeking missiles of all types, and hidden AA guns, modified by Torchwood." Once again, she sounded proud. Clara was still pretending to write notes, scribbling away behind the Doctor.
     "So tell me. How does this protocol work?" He asked, trying not to sound like he's probably going to try and shut it down.
     "Well..." She began, pressing a button on the keyboard on her desk, a holographic screen appearing in front of her just above the desk. She reached out and 'grabbed' it, moving it behind her. Then she moved both her hands away from her, the screen enlarging as she did so. "Here's the camera feed from one of the AA guns." A video begins to play, "If a UFO should find it's way onto the radar, being a meteor of any size to a ship....Then the protocol activates. If it is small then only the AA's are used but, if it's larger the missiles will be launched. It's a completely automatic system." The video shows the AA gun rising out of the ground, the barrels pointing away from the camera, a small moving object floats through the sky. The barrels follow it, then fire, and the thing explodes, signifying that it was indeed a ship. The gun moves back below the surface.
     The Doctor looks down as it explodes. "What if they're peaceful? Is there no communication established beforehand?"
     Margaret closed down the video and spun round to face them again. "No. It's an automatic system. It takes the benefit of the doubt and throws it out the window."
     "You let a system decide whether a species lives or dies?" The Doctor raised his voice and stood up, Clara looked up at him.
     She paused for a second before responding, "Well...yes."

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