Friends at First Sight

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Authors note:
This chapter is a 25th chapter special!! Yay! It takes place a few years before the sun goes out!
Play the music up top. It will help set the mood!
Cynthia's point of view
I walk into the crusty old gym with my baggy uniform draped on my body.

My feet make loud clap sounds as they hit bright orange gym floor.

A few of the athletic girls run pass me and a gush of wind hits my face.

I sit in my spot, the cold floor making me shiver.

I look up to see the coach's taking roll.

"Warm up" yells Coach Beckett

All of my peers go into their lines, and I follow.

We go through our dreaded warm ups, and I hate every second of it.

Coach Carson separates us into groups and we get into stations.

I go to my station and begin to lift the dumbbells set there.

In the corner of my eye I see something sparkling.

But not sparkling.

A different kind of sparkling.

The kind of sparkling where something is so unique in its own way that you can't help but look.

But this time "it" isn't a "it"

It's a she.

I look up at her.

She has shoulder length thick black hair that the light dances on, big doughy eyes, full pink lips, and she's beyond short.

I stare at her like she's an art piece, but she isn't, she's just a new student, placed on the bleachers due to the coach's having no idea what to do with her.

I watch as she inspects the rest of the girls, probably taking mental notes on how this school works.

She finally looks in my direction, and our eyes lock.

I smile at her sweetly.

She smiles back.

I just knew we were going to be best friends 👭

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