Senora Diaz

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Who knew that a closet door could change someone's life? I really didn't. When Ms.Contreas opened that door she didn't only open a door to a storage closet, she opened a door to hell.

Ms.contreas slowly opened the door and whispered "Ms.diaz? Ms.diaaz" but when she turned her a head a little more to the right of the closet she dropped her rose gold iPhone on to the ground and covered her face with both hands. Cynthia quickly ran to the other side of the classroom to inspect.

Her reaction was much different than Ms. Contreas. In a worried but some how still calm tone all she said was "oh jeez" She quickly shut the closet door and rushed to her backpack and dialed a number. 911 I presume.

"911 what's your emergency" said a woman on the other side of the phone. She seemed tired and ready to be done with the day.

"Yes," Cynthia paused for a second "I have a reported death. Our Spanish teacher killed herself. "

"Oh" said the operator, most likely stunned to get such a oblivious and stunning call on a Monday morning. "I'll send in a ambulance right away, what is your location?"

"Stevenson high school" Cynthia replied.

"Ok" replied the operator still shocked by the words that escaped Cynthia's mouth.

The rest of everything was a blur. Cynthia held my hand the entire time, to ensure safety. I was shooketh to the core. What had just happened? Ms.Diaz was happy yesterday, she was going on and on about the date with her husband, so why?

When the ambulance people came in with the body bag we were all stunned by the truth. We had known it was truth, but we really didn't wanna believe it. Like the concept of human extinction.

They had cancelled school due to Ms.Diaz and her split wrists.
That meant I had to walk home. Bleh.
When I walked outside to the front of the school it felt different. Weird. Cold.

As I walked my way home I began to notice the sky turning darker, and darker, and darker. Like it was night time, but I knew it wasn't.

I checked the time on my wrist watch. It was only 1:00 pm. Why was it getting dark?

I was beyond confused but the thought of checking my phone or asking anyone just slipped my mind.

I walked home thinking about everything. Ms Diaz. The sky. My day had gone so wrong so fast.

When I got home I slipped in quietly, attempting to try not to wake my mom or my sister.

They both have afternoon naps together, weird right?

My sisters name was Alexa and she was addicted to meth, she's only 4 years older than me. She's a college drop out.

My mom is addicted to meth as well, she's just a terrible human in general. She divorced my father for a better life but she just ended up spiraling. 

I sat on the light brown couch, completely exhausted.

I began to scroll on my instagram when I saw a post.

The sun has just gone out.
The sun has just gone out.
The sun has just gone out.

It was everywhere.
But that's when it hit me,
The sun has just gone out.

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