Chapter 2

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Hello my lovelies! I hope you like this next part. It's taken me ages to write!!

**End of A/N**

Harry's P.O.V.

I walked in my house after another tiresome day at work. I wished I had gone to University so I could've gotten out of this town. Don't get me wrong, I loved being the head baker at the local bakery, but, I just felt like something was missing. "Maybe I should get a second cat. Or a boyfriend." I thought. "Yeah right, even if there was a decent gay man in this town, he wouldn't want me. He would want a successful, intelligent man who, well, went to university. How can I ever compete with that? I'm just... Harry."

I flopped down on the couch, about to completely relax, when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered it, slightly annoyed.

"Harry, mate, you sound upset. What's wrong?" Of course it was Zayn. He was probably calling from UNI to talk for ages about how he loved it there or something great happened.

"Nothing. Just a long day. What's new, Zayn?" I asked, trying to sound enthused as Molly jumped on my lap, making herself comfortable.

"Have you ever heard of" I was very confused by his question and where he is going with it.

"No?" I questioned.

"Mate, you have to try it! It's a dating site! Three of my friends here have found their soulmate on there, and I just went on a date with the greatest guy in the world! He's cute and sweet and kinda dorky. He's a bit of a nerd, but in the best way possible! I know what you're gonna say. He doesn't sound like my type, but maybe that's why none of my relationships have ever worked out. I have never felt this incredible after just one date." Zayn rambled on and on about this guy, and he hadn't even given me his name yet!

"Zayn!" I interrupted him from telling me in full detail about the color of this guy's eyes. "Does this mystery man you've been talking my ear off about for the last 20 minutes have a name?"

"Of course! It's the most perfect name for a guy as amazing as him! Liam." He said, dreamily. Zayn doesn't fall in love very often. Actually, I've only seen it happen once before. But, when he does, he falls hard and fast.

"Well this Liam guy sounds like a great man. Maybe I'll give this website a try. What's it called again?" I asked as I moved Molly from my lap, grabbed my laptop and entered the password.

"It's You won't regret it Harry! Just, don't let anybody asking for 'money to come see you' fool you. They won't be visiting anything but the bank to steal all your money. One friend of mine learned that the hard way." Zayn warned as I set up my account.

"Thanks Zayn. I won't give anyone any money. Promise. Anything else I should know?"

"Nope. Just be totally honest about everything. The website does the rest!" He said enthusiastically.

"Alright. I'm signing up now. I'll let you know if I have any interesting dates. Get back to studying now. Don't make me come over there and force you to!" I teased, because, of course, Zayn wouldn't be studying on a Saturday night!

"Yes DAD!" He teased right back. I laughed.

"Smell you later, Leather."

"You too, Blazer." I hung up, laughing at the stupid nicknames. When we first met, we were both after the same guy, Jason, who was leading both of us on. That day, Jason and I were taking a walk, and I was literally just about to ask him to be my boyfriend, when this guy in a leather jacket came up and hugged him. He didn't see me at first, but he soon noticed I was there and was holding hands with Jason.

"What's with the Blazer?" He asked Jason, calling me by my jacket.

"What's with the Leather?" I said, mimicking him. We glared at each other while Jason tried to come up with some excuse. Jason finally sighed, explaining that he was trying to win a bet by acting like he was gay and seeing how many guys he could string along in a month. He had 6 more guys other than us. Long-story-short, Jason was attacked in the middle of the night by 6 "random" guys and he nearly died. Zayn and I didn't participate. We simply stole Jason's phone and texted them all the truth and told them where to go. We were basically partners in crime from that day forward. And Jason's phone "mysteriously vanished," or was crushed and thrown into a river

I thought of that day as I finished up perfecting my profile. I smiled as it told me that my profile was complete. With that, I logged out, deciding to look at my matches tomorrow, as I had Sundays off.

I decided that it was time for dinner, so I went to the kitchen to find something simple to cook. I decided on a simple TV dinner, as I was worn out from baking all day. Saturdays are always the busiest, especially for me. I spent hours making sure everything was baked to the perfect quality.

A beeping noise brought me out of my thoughts. My TV dinner was done. I quickly ate it, and decided to go to bed, since I could barely keep my eyes open. I went to my room, fell on the bed, and passed out within 2 minutes.

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