Chapter 16

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Still on the observation deck, the Doctor announced, "Found her. Floor four oh seven."

Lynda with a Y gasped, "Oh, my God, she's with the Anne Droid. You've got to get her out of there." The group rushed onto the nearest lift.

"Come on, come on!" he shouted frustratedly.

They could only hear the android ask, "Rodrick, in physics, who discovered the Fifteen Dash Ten Barric Fields?"

The Doctor consulted the wrist computer. "Game Room Six, which one is it?"

"Over here!" Lynda gestured hurriedly.

Still unseen, Rodrick answered, "San Hazeldine."

"No. the correct answer is San Chen."

The group approached a steel door where inside they should find Rose. Jack reached for the gun he made of the Defrabicator. "Stand back, let me blast it open."

"You can't," the Doctor explained tiredly, "It's made of Hydra combination." He immediately began working on the lock, trying to get in. "Come on, come on, come on."

When they got the lock opened, Rose had already lost, shouting, "This game is illegal. I'm telling you to stop!"

The Doctor called from across the room, "Rose! Stop this game!"

The android continued, "Rose, you leave this life with nothing."

Jack commanded, "Stop this game!"

"I order you to stop this game!"

"You are the weakest link."

Rose warned in a shrill voice, "Look out for the Anne Droid. It's armed!" She started to run for the Doctor, but the laser made her turn to dust.

Jack is shouting, but he can't hear him. The Doctor, kneeling over Rose's remnants, noticed a screen replaying what happened earlier. Celeste was next to Rose, smirking and laughing, completely unknown of the consequences. When the first person was evicted, all that disappeared and once the second person was reduced to ashes, she glared at the android and started to take it apart.

The haunting part was the smirk before she was shot in the chest. Jack noticed and tried to fend off the guards, but ended up yelling when they seized both of them, "You killed them! Your stupid freaking game show killed them!"

The Doctor's face is stony, emotionless, but his eyes were scared, and his insides felt like they were disintegrated with Celeste and Rose.

They were led to a prison cell where they were searched. The guard took out the sonic screwdriver and held it in front of the Doctor's face. "Can you tell us the purpose of this device, sir? Can you tell us how you got on board?" He remained silent, still thinking of Rose Tyler and Celeste.

"Just leave him alone," Lynda tried, but the guard replied even more harshly, "I'm asking him. Sir? Can you tell us who you are?" But he stayed silent.

They were all forced to take mug shots and led to another cell where they were told, "You will be taken from this place to the Lunar Penal Colony, there to be held without trial. You may not appeal against this sentence. Is that understood?" They don't respond, but the Doctor looked at Jack stealthily. Just as the guard outside unlocked the cell to let the guard out, the Doctor said, "Let's do it."

Jack nodded and lead the fight. The two guards were knocked out easily and Jack reclaimed his Defabricator while the Doctor retrieved his sonic screwdriver. Lynda searched the guards to weapons and took them.

The trio went quickly for the lift and entered Floor 500. It was almost exactly like it was a century ago except of the girl. She was attached to wires and her eyes were seemingly blind. The girl was mumbling numbers and warnings for solar flares. An electric blue light bathed her pale skin.

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