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"Hey, can I make a toast?" Hannah asks as a fit of laughter dies down around the table. She looks at all our parents expectantly. Everyone smiles and agrees so she stands up and shakes her arms out.

It's the last day of summer and since we're leaving for college together, mine and Hannah's parents decided we should have one big family dinner at a fancy restaurant by the waterside. I'm wearing a pink shirt and blue tie and I feel completely at ease. Everyone's been sharing stories and cracking jokes all evening and the dinner's just now dying out.

Tomorrow morning, we're getting a pair of huge RV's and driving up to New Hampshire together. Surprisingly, my dad suggested the idea and we ran it by Hannah's parents who are up for any and every adventure in the history of adventures. It's bound to take a few days but I'm excited for one last road trip before college begins.

We invited Candela's family along too but she wasn't fond of the idea of being in a RV for any part of her summer. I don't blame her: it's not the most glamourous of adventures.

Hannah clears her throat. "I just wanted to-"

"Han, you need a drink or something." Her sister Harry interrupts. "It's not a toast if you're not carrying a drink."

Tanner looks at her with hearts in his eyes and I'm tempted to make a joke but that would be embarrassing and inappropriate. Maybe I'll tease him about it later. Probably not.

Anyway, Hannah picks up her glass cup filled with Fanta. She clears her throat again. "I just wanted to – Nate, could you stand up please?"

"Me? This is – okay." I stand up.

Harry looks at me pointedly and I pick up my glass of water, standing beside Hannah nervously. Even though we're a relatively small group of eight people, I feel nervous standing in front of everyone in this restaurant. My tie feels a little tighter than it did before and I have remind myself to relax as Hannah finally begins her toast.

"So first I'd like to say thanks to everyone for coming together tonight." She smiles at the table. "College is a new adventure waiting for the both of us and I really hope that we experience it all side by side."

"We will." I say, smiling. The two of us touch glasses and she turns back to the table. When I look at my mom, she has this face splitting grin on her face and it makes me feel all warm inside.

"I'm just really thankful for all the things I used to take for granted and the things that have brought me joy this year." She smiles at everyone and I notice that her eyes are getting a little red. "Specifically this summer. I was thinking about my personal development this afternoon and I'm glad I am the person now compared to who I was last year."

The strong urge to pull Hannah into a hug almost overcomes me but I manage to keep my hands to myself for the remainder of her mini speech. She thanks her parents for believing in her, my parents for trusting her, her sister for being the best sister in the world and Tanner for always making her laugh. Then she turns to me.

By this time her eyes aren't just red: she's got tears in them. I smile at her as she takes a deep breath.

"Lastly, thank you Nate for being my friend. Every time I've needed you this summer, you've always pulled through, even though you had your own things to sort through. You're the best friend a girl could ever ask for."

I feel my eyes sting and stretch my arms out for that hug. Hannah complies immediately and I squeeze her tightly, aware that we're both still holding our drinks. Someone at the table starts clapping as we let go of each other and everyone else joins in, smiles on their faces.

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