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The very next day after we arrive at their abode, Lorenza and Al demand that they take us to the aquarium to see the fishes. At this point, Hannah and I have been in enough aquariums to drown a blue whale but we go anyway because it seems like it'll be fun.

And it is: the four of us get matching t shirts and these little cute blue sunglasses with nemo fish or 'clown fish' (let's be real here, they're called nemo fish) on the sides just above where the lenses are. Hannah and I take a few pictures to add to our little adventure portfolios online and when people ask me about how many times we're going to visit aquariums I tell them to live a little.

Hannah tells me I have to stop stealing her phrase after that.

During the late afternoon, we play this weird game named backgammon that apparently used to be really popular but died down. At first I thought it was tough but then it got a lot easier considering it wasn't that hard in the first place. We did this tournament that lasted for an hour and even though I didn't win (Hannah did – apparently her dad's a big fan), I still had a good time.

Now it's the early evening and we're walking around an amusement park named Atlantic Fun Park. Hannah's on a winning streak at the little stands and has all but forced me to hold her prizes which include a goldfish and a few stuffed animals.

"Nate! Oh my God, Nate! Let's go in the big balls!" She says all of a sudden and I frown.

"You wanna go where?"

"The big balls over there!" Hannah points at a water pond with those huge inflatable hamster balls floating on it. "Let's get inside them!"

I look to my newly adopted grandparents who seem more than happy to let us play. It's as if we're kids asking for their permission to cause trouble.

Hannah runs off, leaving both me and all her stuff behind. Luckily I jog to catch up with her and stand in line to pay for the attraction.

"I've had fun today," Hannah says, smiling over at Lorenza and Al. "At first I thought it was a little weird but it's been y'know, fun."

"You said that already." I tell her and laugh when she sticks her tongue out at me. "Anyway, isn't this like a reversal of life?"

"What is?"

"These hamster ball things," I say and then gesture at them when she still looks confused. "You know, sperm came out of balls... we're going into them."

Almost immediately, Hannah's face contorts into one of pure disgust. "EW!" She says extremely loudly, causing a few people to look over at us before turning away. "What the crap is wrong with you, why would you even think that?!"

I shrug, feeling helpless. "I don't know? It just popped into my head as soon as you said you wanted to get inside the big balls."

She cringes. "Eugh, what is wrong with you? What's wrong with me?"

"What's wrong with the both of us?" I finish off for her but she doesn't look that amused.

"I'm never going to imagine this the same way again." She says, sighing. "I can only blame myself – actually screw that, I blame you."

I giggle harmlessly and she tries to hold back her own giggles but fails anyway. "You have to admit, it's kind of funny." I explain but she flicks my forehead before turning back and standing in line.

We end up having a turn in the big hamster balls together and Hannah makes it her mission to capsize me inside. I fall down about three times before I manage to bump her and she falls on her own ass inside her ball. I'm pretty sure she cusses at me but because I am in my own little soundproof bubble, I'm safe from her onslaught of insults. Besides, they wouldn't have been that bad of insults because I've noticed Hannah doesn't say the major swearwords like ever.

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