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The next morning, Hannah asks me to get her some Nutella and peanut butter. I refuse to buy her eggs though, scared by what she might dare me to taste next (I could always refuse the dare but where's the fun in that?). There's a new person at the desk, a perky blonde lady with a bright smile and a matching shirt and hat.

"Hi!" She says to me when I come down the stairs. I shoot her a smile.

"Hey, uh, do you know where the nearest convenience store is?"


"My friend is, uh..." I figure it is okay to inform her since she's a lady and all. "She's on her period and she craves Nutella and peanut butter for whatever."

Immediately she nods, completely understanding. "I see. Okay, so, there's one just two blocks away down the left. Turn right once and you're home free."

"Thank you..." I briefly look at her name tag. "Candy."

That sends a slight shiver down my throat. I expect her to tell me that her name isn't Candy, it's Candela, but that moment obviously doesn't come and I have to walk away before I'm deemed more than slightly creepy by this nice lady.

I walk along the roads, taking the directions Candy gave me. It's a good opportunity for me to think to myself about... well everything.

College is just around the corner. Chloe is just around the corner. Candela's expecting me to answer her like now and well... Hannah wants Nutella even though chocolate anything tastes five thousand times better than it. I should probably tackle all these things one at a time. I can call Candela when we're on the road tomorrow and tell her what I'm thinking. Chloe will know my feelings after we spend time together, College is in a matter of months and I have two friends to go with (though it might just be one by the time we get there. I'm pretty sure my relationship with Candela will crumble after I tell her. I'm hoping it'll be the same but who am I kidding?), and the convenience store is literally a few strides away from me which means Nutella and peanut butter are going to be Hannah's in a matter of minutes.

The guy at the counter smiles at me when I enter. Everyone here in South Carolina is so smiley and it's kinda unnerving.

I find the Nutella and peanut butter, standing strong in coloured jars side by side. However, does she want chunky or smooth? Smooth is a much safer option but... I have to live a little, don't I?

"Feeling risky, aren't we?" The man at the counter says. "Chunky peanut butter."

"Yeah, I know right?" I say. "A man's gotta take risks to survive, though."

He chuckles. "You feel me. That'll be seven dollars and fifty two cents please."

I gladly pay and then leave his store with a fist bump. It's nice to see that not all store owners think I'm a ruffian who has run away from home with an expensive cat and a girl who likes to sing to High School Musical songs.

Hannah is sitting up looking fresh and showered by the time I get back.

"Did you get the stuff?" She asks me, shifty eyebrows and all.

I hold up the carrier bag. "I got all the dope you needed."

She gasps. "Don't say it out loud! Someone will hear."

"Let them hear!"

"You rebel."

We laugh and I chuck the 'goods' at her. Hannah digs in and pulls the Nutella out with a flourish.

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