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A week passes by almost instantly. I spend the first four days after coming home either in my bed or with my family, just hanging out. At first I find it weird that I'm not around Hannah as much as I had been for the past month but we message each other daily until I finally go and see her. The two of us just relax in each other's houses, enjoying each other's company like we have been all summer.

Truthfully, I should go and see Candela, or Kellan or Blossom or anyone. But the extra week away from my friends is more for my own sanity because I don't know if I'm ready to see them yet. I haven't spoken to Chloe in almost two weeks either and it's weird getting used to but I keep myself busy with Hannah and Clem, who has finally started warming up to me.

However, I can't keep avoiding everyone forever.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Hannah asks me. The two of us are sunbathing in her garden, being the lazy seventeen year olds we were born to be.

"I don't know. Might just chill some more."

"I feel that." She holds her fist out and I bump her. My phone rings, disturbing our peace and I pick it up, surprised when I see Candela's name on my screen.

"Candela?" I say into the receiver. Hannah raises her eyebrows at me: we don't really pick up our phones when we're hanging out. Only when our parents call.

"Nathan- Nate! I just ran into your mom at Walmart and she says you're back in town. Is that true?"

I wince. "Um yeah, I got back last week."

"And you didn't tell me?!"

"My bad, I guess it just slipped my mind."

There's a silence over the line and I'm completely positive I've said the wrong thing. "Oh. Well, do you wanna hang out tomorrow? Blossom, Kellan and I are gonna get some ice cream."

"Sure." I look to Hannah who has also started playing Candy Crush on her phone. "Can Hannah come?"

Candela keeps silent again. "It was supposed to be a kinda high school friendship thing but yeah, sure. If she wants."

"Hannah, you wanna get ice cream tomorrow?"

She shrugs. "Why not?"

"We'll be there." I confirm to Candela.

Her brief silence says a lot but then she chuckles. "Then I'll see you. One in the afternoon, don't be late!"

We hang up. Hannah and I share a look. Instead of saying anything, I lie back down in the grass and resume chilling.


The next day Hannah and I are in my brother's car, driving towards the ice cream parlour. We're talking like normal but on the inside I feel odd. This is the first time I'm seeing my closest friends after a whole month and I should be excited but I sense this will be tedious.

When we hung out, it was always the same. I'd be quiet and let Candela speak over me. Kellan would crack a few jokes at my expense and Blossom will say something that'll make me chuckle but question her intellect. Then I'll eat a dumb but satisfying ice cream combination and Candela will call me Nathaniel. It's probably gonna be the same this time too.

"So am I allowed to get cinnamon and birthday cake ice cream again or is that not a thing to you anymore?" Hannah asks as I park the car. I see Kellan's car just down the street and chuckle.

"Today we're gonna do coconut and blueberry cheesecake." I explain. She scoffs.

"Bring on the stomach ache!" Hannah slaps the exposed part of her stomach and starts marching towards the store.

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