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A lot of things can happen in three days. Especially when you busy yourself making sure that a lot of things do happen so that you have fun.

We stay in North Carolina for a while, checking out as much as Charlotte as we can without ruining the small surprises on the way. We go to Discovery place and pretend that we're little kids being interactive with the science stuff and playing on the playground. That is until the security guards get annoyed and tell us to behave like we're adults. We have to remind them that technically we're not because we're still under aged and free.

Hannah requests that we go to the Bank of America stadium anyway and buy jerseys early and I comply because I drift instead of lead. We also take a few pictures in Freedom Park and post them on my account then wait for the Icelandic girl to call me cute again (because you know, that's not conceited at all) before heading down to Duck beach for two days and a night to be a tourist.

I bought Hannah a green t shirt that has a beady eyed duck on it and says Ducks in ugly pink lettering and watch her despise it entirely. She pushed the ice cream I was eating up my nose and watched me sneeze frozen cream out of my nose for about two hours afterwards.

We're enjoying each other's company, really.

Early in the morning before we left, we headed over to a launderette to wash up all our clothes. Luckily my mom had forced me to pack enough underwear to last me two weeks or else we would've had a problem and dirty underwear. Clementine almost gets taken away by this big ass bird that I think was a falcon but Hannah swears was an Albatross. I don't know why she was adamant on arguing with me with this one, I was the one that had to chase the hybrid and eventually fight it off to save that darn cat and I have the battle scars to prove it.

Now we're on our way to Virginia Beach specifically and I feel really light and airy. Because the network was really bad at Duck beach, I haven't called anyone apart from my mom when I was near the lighthouse and it's honestly been a good way to clear my head. Chloe called a few times but I wasn't able to pick up and at first I felt bad but there wasn't that much time to feel bad because the beach was too much fun.

"I've got thick skin and an elastic heart! Take it away Halfie!" Hannah sings at me and Clementine in the passenger seat. She's off that time of the month now and seems to be loving life again. It's great.

"But your blade it might be too sharp," I sing along. Since all we had at the beach was a radio and two iPods, we've taken it upon ourselves to learn as much of each other's music as possible. She really likes Rihanna and Lauryn Hill.

"I'm like a rubber band, until you pull too hard!"

"Something other something, I don't remember the rest of the words," I say and then hum.

She laughs and then says: "There's sand in my ear," to the tune of the song.

"Clementine is about to scratch me again," I sing along. "And I've got an elastic heart."

When The Weeknd comes on, she stops and sighs, looking slightly forlorn for a bit. It takes me a while to ask her what's wrong, but then when I do, she supresses another sigh from leaving her mouth.

"I'm so pumped for the next stop but I kinda wanna go home too."


She nods. "I want my mom to cook me some rice. I don't want to eat fries and Nutella anymore," Then she scrunches her nose. "Not together of course."

I nudge her. "Who's the mommy's kid now?"

"Don't kid yourself, it's still you,"

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