Chapter X

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"Man is a creature of haste (impatience). Soon I will show you My signs, therefore, you need not to be impatient"

Surah Al- Anbya.

Author's p.o.v

AbdoulRahman Abdallah was a diligent man who left an impression wherever he graced with his presence. He dropped school at the age of 23 and started a business of his own. He focused on his trade and excelled in it.

Now his eyes were set on Afreen. When he first saw her, he thought she was like every other girl. But when he got to know more of her, he knew that pull he had was not something to dismiss, just like how he always knew it when the business deal was promising.

Her personality had proved to him just how much of a gem she truly was. And as he told himself to be patient always, he did the same with her. Only now the prime time for him to make a move was due, he had lingering feelings tucked in his heart for the beautiful Muslimah, which would be quenched when he had her.

Being the only child in his home had always left him wanting more of everything; attention, love and recognition. And with a busy father and his mother; being the only wife that had not presented an opportunity for him to belong. With Afreen, he could voice out what he wanted without being ignored, he could be himself because she held him together.

When they got separated, to say he was brutally broken!
But it didn't take him much time to recover from the heartbreak. And when he saw her at the shopping mall some weeks back, it was like he fell in love all over again, and he made a promise to himself that he will get her back at any cost!

The sooner he made her his, the more stabilized he would be. He had plans for them, plans that would only be realized when she had fully accepted him as hers, and she will, that he was assured of. He would hate her into rushing things, but the only problem was that he was in a rush.

He sat in the spacious living room in her father's house waiting for her to come, while he waited for her, his hopes were hinged on her acceptance tonight.

Tonight, their fates would be sealed, he couldn't wait to hear what her verdict would be. He just hope she would give them a chance.

When the door finally opened revealing Afreen clad in an army green hijaab, he couldn't take his eyes off her. She looked beautiful as ever, and a smile was etched on her face. Maybe she was happy to see him too, he thought.

He smiled at her, answering her Salaam.

"Wa'alaikumus Salaamu wa Rahmatullah" He said.

"You're welcome" She said and took the couch opposite him.

"Thank you "

"Good evening" she greeted.

"Good evening, how are you?"

"Alhamdulillah, how was your trip?"

"Tormenting, I didn't have you in my sight"

She smiled "I'm all yours now"

He returned the smile and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Hey, lower your gaze" she warned jokingly while he chuckled.
"So how's mama?" She asked.

"Call her Hajiya please, everyone calls her by that. And she's fine. She sends her regards".

"Okay I'll take note". There was a brief silence before she stood up and left. She came back and kept the little platter she had in her hands on the side stool next to Abdoul's seat. She served him some and continued with their conversation.

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