Chapter XX

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Here's a lengthy one to compensate for going MIA.🤗

"No misfortune can happen on earth or in yourselves but is recorded in a book before we bring it into being. Indeed that for Allah(is)easy). And remember Allah's promise that with every hardship comes ease."

                  Chapter 20

Arhmad lightly pressed his horn as he slowed his car in front of their gate, he rested his head on the headrest, waiting for the gateman. Monday's were always too hectic, with the meetings after meetings and all the stress of handling a whole company, it was almost impossible to take a breather and he wouldn't realize it was time for his lunch break until it was almost over, which was why he usually fasted on Mondays and every Thursdays, killing two birds with a stone.

And now, as he felt his grumbling stomach, he prayed Mamee hadn't forgotten what date it was. He usually comes home to his parents' everyday after work, where he gets to see his daughter, who was taken care of by her grandparents, he also eats dinner there and usually takes his leave to his house after that.

The uniformed gateman waved at him as he maneuvered the car into the humongous two storey house, Arhmad found a spot right beside Fareedah's gray Mercedez, he smiled looking at the car. It felt like yesterday when Abba gave it to her as a gift after she aced her first year in Med school, he could still remember the sheer excitement on her face.

Arhmad got out of his car, pressed the lock button on his key fob which made the car to make a beep sound.

He started to walk towards the main entrance when a little girl with a long kinky hair packed up in a high bun bolted out of the house and enveloped Arhmad's torso in a tight hug.

"Daa!" She called out in sheer excitement.
He picked her up and twirled her around.

"Ouch! What is grandma feeding you? You're just growing big and heavy Masha Allah. My back is already aching" Arhmad held his back, his face twisted into a playful grimace.

He smiled, realizing the only words that could come out from the two year old were daa, which was short for daddy, Amma for grandma, dada for her Aunty, Fareedah and so on.

"Ayratu!" Fareedah stormed at the little girl.
"This girl will be the end of me wallah. Did you see how she ran out when she heard your car?!"

The little girl snuggled in her fathers arm, hiding her face from her angry aunty.

"Awww little princess misses her poppa" he said patting Ayra's back.

"Ya Allah! Ya Arhmad you're suppose to spank her not pet her like a cat!"

He glared at her. "Kike so in duke 'yar tawa! (You want me to beat my child!).

"Yeah, else she'll grow up to be a spoilt naughty-baddy girl"

He chuckled "A spoiled naughty-baddy girl huh?! Well as long as she's my naughty baddy whatever, its good with me"

They continued with their chitchat as they walked into the house.

"Assalamu Alaykum" Arhmad greeted once he got to his mother.
He walked over to where she sat on the fluffy maroon carpet. She looked up from the book she held, Motivational Moments by Mufti Menkh, answering his Salaam.

"Ina wuni Mamee"

"Lfya lau. Ka dawo kenan (so you're back)"

"Eh wlh, yanzu nake shigo wa"

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