Chapter XIX

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"ونبلوكم بالشروالخيرفتنة"
"And we test you with evil and good as trial".
(Surah Al-Anbya/Ayah 35)

Chapter 19

A sudden shooting pain in her ankle woke Afreen up the next morning, which was followed by cramping in her stomach. She sat up quickly, gasping at the intensity of the ache, feeling sore entirely as she shuddered and wrapped the comforter around her, hopelessly finding warmth for a heart that had gone too cold.

Ruqayya walked in, and she felt horrible as she took in her broken, helpless, feeble state. If only she could do something to take away all her pains, but she knew better that nothing can change the situation she's in, only the love, care and du'as from her beloved ones.

"Afreen, your breakfast is here, please have something" She requested, but Afreen only stared blankly at her.

"Afr..." she started again but was interrupted.

"Get me out of here, please!"

Ruqayya opened her mouth to protest but was yet again interrupted by a crying Afreen.

"Please...You have no idea how sick this place makes me feel. The smell of the drugs and the food, it's making everything worst. Even the air smells different here. And sitting here all the time, doing makes me regret the reason for my existence, it reminds me of all the pain I've been through and I don't think I'm gonna heal when am having all these kinds of thoughts. Please...It's so sickening wlh I feel like committing suicide. Please, let's leave, I'm ohkay now, I can take my meds and I can take care of myself, I promise!"

"Ohkay ohkay, please, stop crying. We'll leave Insha Allah, but let me consult the doctor first, ohkay?"

Afreen nodded, "Ohkay"

"And you need to put something down, it's the only way you'll recover faster"

"Mm hm" And she agreed to eat the veggie soup Rabi'ah made her.

It took Ruqayya four days to get a hold of Afreen's discharge papers. To say she was on cloud nine! They had their flight tickets ready so they made a course directly to the airport.

"Are you sure you don't need anything from your house, I can go grab it for you if you want" Rabi'ah asked.

"I'm ohkay Rabi'ah"

Afreen had made them come directly to the airport because she didn't want to go back to her so called home. She didn't regard it as her home any more, because whenever she thinks about it, all that comes to her mind is a death hole, a monstrous place for a living monster.

"Plus i've gat all I need right here with me" She added, holding on to Ruqayya's hand and hiting her with a genuine smile.

"And we're already here so there's no going back"

"Yeah" Rabi'ah chuckled.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" She grabbed her, enveloping her into a tight hug.

"I'm gonna miss you too" Afreen sobbed.

"Don't start with the waterworks please" Rabi'ah smiled.

"Yeah...we wouldn't want any attention here" Afreen replied wiping away the drop of tears that stained her face. "Say hy to the twins for me. I really wished I had seen them once more"

"It's ohkay"

"Sorry to interrupt but you better round up else we're going to miss our flight" Ruqayya stated.

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