Chapter VI

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'Abu Hurayrah relates that Allah's Messenger (Peace be Upon Him) said:
"Whoever believes in Allah and The Last Day Of Judgement should speak a good word or remain silent. And whoever believes in Allah and The Last Day Of Judgement should show hospitality to his neighbor. And whoever believes in Allah and The Last Day Of Judgement should show hospitality to his guest".

"Dan Allah Dan Annabi (please and please), you guys should go outside and play". I begged the kids and thankfully, they did as I bade them.

I looked at the messy living room, it was littered with empty cans of drinks, pillows were thrown all over the place. It was all scattered because of the kids.
I wonder how the house will look like on the wedding day, they'll probably turn it upside down.

I sighed in frustration, then placed the pillows where they were supposed to be and then did some picking. After I was done, I moved to my room to find some peace but I was met with 5 of my cousins and three of my friends.

Why did they have to move down here.

Today is my engagement day.
Some of my aunt's, uncle's and cousins, both from my maternal and paternal side were here. My friends included. The house was kind of full and I'm seriously starting to get tired of all the greetings, smiles and teasings.

A while later, Arhmads aunties came and brought the kayan Sa rana.

"They're here". Aleesha sprinted into the room panting.

"Afreen, go upstairs to your father's room. I don't want to see your face down here". Anty Maryam ordered.
Anty Maryam is my mom's immediate sister and Aleesha's mother.

Traditionally, the bride-to-be is not supposed to be seen while the event is holding. The groom-to-be included.

After a warm welcome, varieties of delicacies and refreshments were being served. Everything happened in a blur. All the necessary formalities were made and in no time, everyone was gone.

I stepped out of the room and headed downstairs. I heard voices of women talking and laughing.
Ya Ilaahi! I thought everyone would be gone by now. Women, both known and unknown were randomly seated in the living room talking about my bridal gifts. They were all gushing on how amazing they were.

Aunties, friends, well wishers and others were  hugging and teasing me. They were all awww-ing at me, telling me how lucky I was.

By Maghrib, everyone left to their respective houses but not after another set of hugs, congratulations, and Wa'azis.

Huh…finally safe from them aunties clutches.

Well guess what guys, my wedding date has been set and it's taking place after my final exams and that's in 7 months time.

7 months guys!

7 freaking months!

With the speed time is traveling with, I'm a few months from becoming a Mrs. Ya Allah!
I can't believe it, me, Afreen Ahmed, a married woman.
This means i would no longer live with baba; no more coming home to be met with deli food, i have to be my own cook, my own everything.
I have to start taking responsibilities, making decisions for two.

I stood up and performed wudu'. I sprayed the prayer mat and faced the qibla'. I prayed two Raka'ats of Nawaafil. I thanked Allah Azza Wajjal for all the good things He has given me, for all that He has tested me with, for it made me nothing but stronger. I prayed that He continues to guide me to the right path. I prayed that He protects me, my family and friends, and the whole Muslim Al-Umma from all the evil in this world.

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