Chapter 15

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Levi's P.O.V. 

I stared up at the female titan. It was finally over. She slowly turned into a crystal.  

"Levi!" a voice yelled. I turned and saw my sister hobbling towards me. 

"Why are you here?" I asked. 

"I was worried," she replied. 

"Everything is fine." 

She studied my face, trying to tell if I was lying. "Okay, sure." 

All of a sudden, everyone started to talk. Some people pointed at the wall.

"What is going on?" I asked a nearby soldier.

"I don't know, sir," she replied. "Something happened to the wall." 

Lelia immediately hobbled over to it. 

"Hey, wait!" I called after her as I limped through the crowd. 

I finally caught up with her when she stopped, facing the wall. 

Towards the top, where the female titan had grabbed it, there was a growing hole. A giant eye appeared, staring at nothing. 

Lelia's P.O.V.  

The giant eye was rolling around in it's socket. It was...a titan eye. 

"What's going on? Why is there a titan eye in the wall?" I asked Levi. 

"I don't know," he replied. 

Hanji stood a few feet away,  also staring up at the wall. 

"Cover it up!" someone yelled I turned and saw a middle aged man running towards us. "Don't let the light hit it!" 

Eren's P.O.V. 

Everything hurt. I felt like I was dying. 

I groggily opened my eyes. A hand was placed on top of mine. It was Lelia. 

She smiled. "Hi, Eren. How are you feeling?" 

"Fine, I guess. Where are we?" 

"A military branch just outside the capital." 


"They're keeping most of the Scouts nearby the wall just in case they need us." 

"What happened to the wall?" I asked. 

"There's a hole with a titan in it." 

I sat up. "What?! You're joking. No, that can't be true." 

"Eren..." she said quietly. "It's true." 

"This whole time, we've been fighting the titans and now we find out that some have been protecting us the whole time." 


An officer walked into the small room. 

"Sir," Lelia said. 

"I need you to come with me," the officer said. 

"Yes, sir." 

She got up and followed him. 

After about ten minutes of waiting by myself, I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." 

It was Mikasa and Armin. 

"Eren," Mikasa said, "You're up." 

"We wanted to tell you that you are no longer a Military Police prisoner," Armin said. 

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yeah," Armin said, "The whole incident with the female titan made the officers realize how important you are." 

"That's good." 

"Have you seen Lelia?" Mikasa asked. 

"Yeah, an officer just took her away about ten minutes ago." 

"What branch?" 

"The Military Police." 

"What? Why?" Armin asked. 

"I don't know!" I replied. "They probably just need her for an eye witness account of what happened to the wall." 

"Let's hope that's why." 

Lelia's P.O.V. 

I walked between to MPs as they led me to a room. Their faces were expressionless. 

"Please sit in this chair," an officer said, pointing to a chair opposite to the door. "Your questioner will be in soon." 

"Alright," I reluctantly sat in the chair. 

A few minutes later, the door opened. 

"Sorry I'm late," a man's voice said. It was chillingly familiar. Then I looked up at him. 

It was the one person I'd wished I'd never see again. 

"Hi there, sweetie," my father said with a smile. "Good to see you again." 


Author's Note: I'm back! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 


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