Chapter 10

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The gate opened, letting us back into Wall Rose. I breathed a sigh of relief. Then the people began to yell. 

"Why don't you all just die? You're close to that." 

I winced. 

"Stop eating our food. You're just cattle!" 

Eren let go of my hand and covered his eyes with his arm. "They...they don't know what its like out there." 

"I know," I sadly whispered.

"Excuse me, Captain Levi," It was an older man. "Before Petra hears." 

Levi didn't say anything.

"She's absolutely devoted to you, but she's too young to get married." 

My brother looked down. Eren stiffened. The insults and that were getting to him." 

"Look! It's the Survey Corps!" a little kid yelled.

I looked over and saw a little boy and girl standing on a crate. 

"They're the best and I'm going to join them when I grow up." 

"Me too!"

Eren stopped crying. His face was now a mask of shock. I struggled to sit up. 

The corps moved through the city. The civilians went back to their daily lives. 

"Lelia," This was the first time he had said anything since the insults had started. "I need to tell you something." 

"What is it?" 

"Mikasa, would you please get me some water?" 

"Sure," Mikasa hopped off the cart. 

"What's up?" I asked. 

" see..." he trailed off. His face was bright red. " someone." 

"Really?" I asked. For some reason, I felt jealous. "Why are you telling me this? Sorry, that came out wrong." 

"It's just that I thought I was going to lose her today. I realized that I have to tell her how I feel before it's too late." 

"Who? Mikasa? She can protect herself." 

"No," Eren said in a small voice. "It's not her." 

"Come on," I said. "Tell me. I won't judge." 

"Well, how about I just tell you about her." 


"She's the kind if girl that is always there for me," Eren began. "She's in corps and cares about everyone in it. I've unknowingly liked her since I was ten. Whenever I'm with her I feel safe and calm, but I also have this urge to protect her from all the bad things in this world. She doesn't know it, but she has made me a better person and that is why I lover her." 

"That's really cute," I said. Then it hit me. "Oh..." 

"Lelia," Eren looked me straight in my eyes. Without fear in his voice he said, "I love you." 

I felt my face grow warm. "Really? I-I love y-you too." 

Eren smiled. It was the biggest smile had ever seen on his face. It made me happy. 

I leaned over and hugged him. "Thanks for the compliments." 

"Eren?" a voice asked behind us. "What's going on?" 

I let go and turned to see Mikasa. "Oh...hi..." 

Mikasa looked shocked. Well, as shocked as she could. 

" No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," I said. My face was bright red. "It's not what you think."

"What is it?"

"A...friend hug, because we're really good friends," Eren lied. 

"Your ears turn red when you lie."

Eren's face turned red. "No they don't." 

"Fine," I muttered. "Just don't say anything." 

Mikasa nodded. "Okay." 

She did not look happy as she handed Eren a cup of water. 

"I'm happy for you. I'm happy for you," she muttered over and over again, probably to herself. 

"So, you're fine with this?" Eren asked. 

"Yes. I'm happy for you." 

"Thanks," I muttered. "Geez. This is awkward." 

"Thank you, Mikasa," Eren said. 

"Yeah, sure," she said distantly. "As long as you're happy." 

The cart came to a stop. 

A medic ran up to us. He helped me off the cart. Mikasa picked Eren up. The medic unwrapped my make-shift splint. I winced in pain. 

"Sorry," the medic apologized. He splinted my leg properly and gave me a pair of crutches. 

"Fun," I grumbled. "How do you use these?" 

"It keeps the pressure off your ankle. You keep the broken ankle up while you swing the crutches in front of you. You will use these for about two months, maybe less." 

"Great," I sarcastically sighed. 

The medic moved on to Eren. "You have a fever and your leg is bruised. Other than that, you're fine." 

I sighed in relief. 

"Eren, Lelia!" Armin called from behind us. I took a few awkward steps toward him, almost falling over. The crutches were very annoying. 

"How are you, Armin?" Eren asked. 

"I'm fine now that I know you're okay," Armin said with a smile. "And you two?"

Eren gave him a wide smile. "We're really good. We actually just told each other that we like each other."

Armin smiled even wider. 

*Armin's P.O.V.* 

Finally, my Eria ship came true. 

*Lelia's P.O.V.* 

I felt my face heat up as Armin's smile grew even wider.  

"Please don't tell anyone," Eren begged. 

"Of course not!" Armin exclaimed. "I wouldn't want the captain to kill Eren!" 

Eren's face grew pale. His voice was small when he said. "Right." 


Author's Note: Thank you for reading! Was it cute? 


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