Chapter 5

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3rd Person P.O.V. 

"My sister," Levi said in the middle of dinner. 

"What?" Petra asked. 

"Something happened to her." 

"Your what?"


"Alright, I'm not going to ask any questions about that. What do you think is wrong with her?" 

"Something. She's not where she's supposed to be," Levi set his tea down. 

"You're going crazy, Captain. Nothing's wrong. She's with the other cadets." 


"Yes, sir," Petra ran out of the room as Eren walked in. 

"What's going on?' he asked. 

"Nothing that concerns you," Levi replied. 

"Please tell me, sir."

"Do you know who Lelia Ackerman is?" 

"Yes, sir," Eren replied. "She was in my cadet corps." 

"She's missing." 

A scream echoed through the room as Eren flipped the table over. 

"Eren, calm down. We don't know if anything really happened." 

Petra burst into the room. "She's missing." 

"Well, now we can freak out." 

Lelia's P.O.V. 

"You need to eat," my father said. 

"I don't want to," I replied. 

"You have to." 


"I'll force feed you then." 

"You wouldn't da-" I was cut off by a roll being shoved into my mouth. 

"Eat," my father commanded. I grudgingly chewed and swallowed before trying to talk, but more bread was shoved in my mouth. "So, how old are you?" 

"Shouldn't you know the age of your own daughter?" I questioned. 

" was about fifteen years ago...January or February." 


"Sweetie, you need to know where you come from." 

"Don't call me sweetie."  

"How about dear?" 




"Don't talk with your mouth full." 

"I'll do what I want to do."

"You need to be taught some manners," he raised a hand and slapped me across the face. It didn't hurt, but it was surprising. Mom never did anything close to that.

Levi's P.O.V.

I stood in the barracks where my sister was kidnapped.

"Captain Levi," a cadet said. I turned and stared at him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We found footprints leading away from the barracks."

"Where do they lead?"

"We didn't follow them too far, but they seem to lead deep into the woods."

"Can I go get her?" another cadet asked. He (?) had blonde hair and blue eyes. "She's like my sister."

"Fine, you can join the group."

"Okay. And Eren?"

"If he wishes."

Eren was pacing the barracks. "Hell yeah, I wish to."

"That's settled," I announced. "Let's go."

Lelia's P.O.V.

"What the fuck?" I cursed. "I refuse. You can't make me."

"I'm your father. I can make you," my father replied. 

"No. I don't even know your name." 

"My name is Edgar Dreschner." 

I started to laugh. "Nice name." 

"Then let's change your last name." 


My father smiled before slapping me. "Where are your manners?" 

"I have manners. I just don't use them when talking to jerks." 

"We'll have to fix behavior before you join the Military Police." 

"Excuse me, but I joined the Survey Corps," I said with sass. 

"And I, your father, saved you from an early death." 

"By forcing me to join the Military Police and marrying me off." 

"I'm only thinking about what's best for you." 

"But I don't want what's best for me. I want to save humanity." 

"Humanity is a lost cause." 

"No it's not!" I protested. 

"Your little friends will be dead within a week. Do you really want to see that?" 

I felt tears in my eyes. "I'd rather die with them than sit and watch them die." 

"That's suicidal," my father looked disappointed. 


"No daughter of mine will be titan food." 

"I'm not your daughter," I said coldly. "As far as I'm concerned, you're just a random man that kidnapped me." 

"I am your father," he was getting mad now. "And you will do what I say." 

"What if I refuse?" 

A crazed smile formed on his face. "I'll have all your little 'friends' court-martialed and then killed."

"You wouldn't. You don't even know their names."

"Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert."

"How do you know?" I hoped he was lying.

"Being an officer in the Military Police gives me access to records."

"They've been training for years, so they'll be hard to take down."

"I'm more experienced," my father replied. "So, will you do as I say?"

I had to protect my friends. Hopefully, they would move on. I looked up at my father. "Yes."


Author's Note: Hello! Sorry about the late update. 


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