Chapter 2

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"It's the colossal titan!" I yelled.

"Everyone, this is it," Eren yelled. "Take it down!"

We jumped off the wall in full attack mode. Trost could not fall. Hundreds of lives depended on this one attack.

Drops of blood landed on my face. I looked up, only to see a comrade get eaten. 'Oh god,' I thought. 'Not again.'

"Lelia, run!" someone screamed. "There's a titan behind you!"

I turned to see a 10 meter titan. My hands shook as I drew my blades. This was it. My chance to kill a titan.

I zipped into the air, trying to get behind it. The titan turned just as I was about to cut the neck. I changed direction as fast as I could and landed on the roof of a nearby building. This was harder than I thought.

I attempted another neck shot and this time I was able to slice its neck. It landed with a thud on the ground.

'My first titan kill!' I thought. Sweat dripped down my face, but this was no time to take a break. I had to keep moving. The other soldiers needed my help. This was going to be a hard fight.

I ran through the streets before seeing something that made me freeze. It was Eren. Getting eaten. I trembled with fear.

"No!" I heard Armin scream. I wanted to run but couldn't. The titan lumbered towards me.

"This is it," I said to myself. "I had a good life."

I closed my eyes, waiting for death. The titan's footsteps grew closer. I felt arms close around me and lift me into the air. Their arms were strong. I opened my eyes and saw Marco.

"You're lucky you're not dead," he said. I didn't say anything. "Eren would kill me if you died."

I began to tear up.

"Oh crap. Did I say something?"

Tears streamed down my face.

"Eren...he's...he's..." I tried.

"Hey, shush. Don't cry. It'll be alright," Marco tried to be comforting.



"B-but Eren."

"What happened to him?"

"The titan...ate him."

"Oh God," he awkwardly hugged me. "I'm sorry."

He sat me down on a roof. I saw Armin and crawled over to him

"Eren..." we said in unison and lowered our heads.


"Mom!" I cried. I had woken up to find my mother dead in her bed. "Mom!"

"What happened to her?" a voice asked. I turned and saw a boy my age with blonde hair. Two other kids stood behind him.

"I-I woke up and she...she was d-dead."

"I'm sorry."


"Do you need a place to stay?" he put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm Armin."

It was early spring and the snow had just begun to melt. I shivered.

"Here," Armin took off his hat and put it on my head.

"It's warm," I said through the tears. Armin wrapped his arms around me.

I felt someone pat my head. It was one of the kids that were standing behind Armin.

"Hey," he said. "I'm Eren."

"And I'm Mikasa," the girl said.

"We'll be late for dinner!" Eren exclaimed. "Let's go!"

End Flashback

"Lelia!" someone yelled as they shook my shoulders. It was Connie. "Come on. We got to go."

"Where?" I asked. "I'm out of gas."

"The supply warehouse."


"Can you walk?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

We avoided titans on the way there. I couldn't get the image of Eren's death out of my head.

'Focus,' I thought. 'Eren wouldn't want you to die.'

"Keep moving," Connie said. I mumbled something incoherent.

We eventually made it to the warehouse. I sat down on the floor and tried to keep from crying. 'Eren,' I thought. 'Why did it have to be you? You said you'd kill all the titans. Then all of us would travel the world.'

I slammed my fist on the floor, tears welling up in my eyes. Everyone turned and looked at me. "We lost so many people. Good people. People that shouldn't have to live in this hell that we call reality. Are their sacrifices nothing?"

"Lelia," a voice began but was cut off by a giant fist coming through the wall. Once the debris settled, I saw two titans looking through the hole.

"There are too many people!" Jean yelled. "They can smell us! Get deeper into the building!"

I scrambled to my feet and ran. The people with fuel stayed behind and dealt with the intruders.

My life flashed before my eyes. Life with Mom, life with the Arlerts, training, all of it.

"Refuel quickly and get back outside," I commanded.

"Why should we listen to you?" a soldier snapped.

"Do you want to die?"

The soldier followed my orders.


Author's Note: How was that? Thanks for reading! Don't forget to read and review. Thank you.


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