Chapter 9

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Lelia's P.O.V.

I wobbled on the tree branch. There was another branch right below me and then titans. I lost my footing and fell.

Crack! My ankle snapped on impact as I landed on the tree branch below me.

"Lelia!" Armin screamed.

"I'm fine," I yelled back. "I just hurt my ankle."

I got back up to my original branch before sitting down. Armin swooped down to look at my ankle. "You broke it."

"Great," I said sarcastically.

"Stay off of it."

I nodded. "Okay."

"Lelia!" Jean yelled. "You okay?"

"Just a broken ankle!"


"How are we going to get her back?" Armin asked.

"I'll carry her," Jean said.

"I can...hobble," I protested.

"No. You'll hurt yourself more," Armin said.

"So? I'm not going to be carried by a boy!"

"I bet you wouldn't mind if Eren carried you," Jean teased.

"Shut up!" I felt my face grow warm.

"OOh...she loves him!"

"Ugh! I'm done! I don't care anymore!"

"Okay. I'll carry you."

"Fine! Whatever."

"Move out soldiers! We're going home!" an officer yelled.

Jean zipped over. He kneeled in front of me so I saw his back. "Wrap your arms around my neck."

I sighed and did what he said.

He lifted me up so I was riding piggy-back style.

"If you drop me, you're going down too," I growled.

Jean laughed. "Don't worry."

My injured ankle moved slightly and I gritted my teeth.

"Sorry," he said.

"It's fine," I grimaced.

"Let's get you to the injured cart."

"Okay. Just hurry. Goddammit, that hurts."

Jean jumped off the tree with me still on his back. I bit my lip so hard that it bled.

After a short ODM gear ride, we were at the injured cart. Jean sat me down in the cart. A medic ran over and looked at my ankle.

"It's broken," she said. "We'll have to splint it."

"Alright," I groaned. "Make it quick."

The medic straightened my left leg which caused tears to well up in my eyes. I wiped them away. She grabbed two pieces of wood and tied them to my leg with a thick rope.

"We'll do a better job once we get back to base," she said. "For now, make yourself comfortable."

I nodded and laid down. Armin ran over to me.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he took off his cape, folded it, and placed it under my head.

"Been better," I forced a smile. "Been worse, too."

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