It might just be too late to save him

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Gerard threw me into the back of the van, that's when I saw Allison and some other hunters, he shut the doors behind me and smirked, "Derek. It's been a while hasn't it?" I let out a growl that vibrated of the van walls. He turned to Allison and she nodded, she got a knife and and covered it in some sort of powder, but it wasn't any powder, it was wolfsbane, "you killed my mother" she hissed, I couldn't do anything, I was done for, i needed help. I howled sending the van to shake violently from it, Gerard stumbled backwards and something fell out of his pocket, it was some sort of tiny container with a symbol on it. I had to stall them for a little while if some help came. "I didn't kill her" I growled, "Your right, you made her kill herself" she snapped, "I was saving your boyfriend!" she looked confused, "Yea that's right! She was trying to kill Scott! He was hanging on my a thread in his life! If I didn't save him he'd be dead! I didn't even know I bit her! It's a self defense move." I growled

She didn't know what to say, "LIAR!" she screamed and swung the knife down, I shut my eyes and waited for it to enter my skin, the van shook like something had hopped on it, Allison fell forward and the knife plunged into my side "GAHHH!" I screamed, the pain was unbearable, the poison spreading. It hurt like hell! All the sudden the van doors were ripped off and there stood a demon looking creature, it's nails long like daggers and it's teeth huge and sharp, spikes appeared out of it's body and it let out a bloodcurdling scream, but his eyes were the color of a flame.. It was stiles. He had a long broad tail with what seemed like glass spikes sticking out of it, his fur blacker then the nights itself , he looked to the side revealing his pointed ears before he snapped his head back and growled. He grabbed the first hunter as he tried to escape and tore him in half, the second one tried to stab him but that just ended with him getting stiles', or what's left of him, nails through his throat, Allison got out her knife and threw it at his head, he grabbed it and it looked like he shook his head no, before throwing it back sinking into her shoulder so deep you couldn't see it, "AHHHHHH!" she screamed and fell to the ground in pain, he turned toward gerard and growled, he stumbled back in shock and hit the van wall, he slid down and looked pale, then a shock of pain went through me, the wolfsbane was getting closer to my heart. Stiles looked at me and then at himself, he howled a bloodcurdling scream/growl before he got on all fours and grabbed my shoulder, his teeth lightly penetrating it and he dragged me out of the van, "AHHHH!" I yelled, the pain hurt like shit! I heard footsteps, and they were getting closer really fast.

"SCOTT!" I broke out, I saw him look at me then at the demon, he was shifted and he looked at Allison and her blood stained the van floor, "allison!" he growled out as he ran to her, he turned to me and demon stiles, "You did this to her!" he growled and leapt for me, stiles got infront of me and sent a low deep threading growl that rumbled through the forest, "SCOTT! STILES STOP!" but none of them heard me, stiles easily Pinned down Scott and raised his arm in the air, "STOP!" I shouted but he didn't listen, he sunk his claws into scott's back and tore through his skin. I could feel my body again, but the pain was getting worse every second, i slowly got up but stumbled forward before gaining my balance, I ripped stiles off of scott before finally falling unconscious to the ground.

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