Nightmares are also reality (Stiles/Derek:Sterek)

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In need of a friend, just someone, anyone

It was like any other day, Scott ditched me for Allison, the wolf pack picked on me and teased me, I had no one left in this world, my dad barely came home anymore due to his work, and even when he did come home he was always crashed on the couch with whiskey in his hand.

School finished and I ran to my jeep, I got in and put the keys into the ignition as the engine roared to life, I drove my way to the cemetery,visiting my mom, as I parked infront I hopped out of the car and went to her grave, "hey mom, I miss you, -sobs- I have no one left in this world, my best friend ditched me for a girl, I get picked on everyday, I just wanna be with you mommy , it's like I don't even see my dad anymore -sobs- I need you mom, dad needs you! " I started to cry as tears streamed down my face like a river, then I was lifted into the air and threw back into a cold grave. I didn't have to look up to know that it was Erica, "ha, what a crying little bitch." Erica snickered, I just pretended like she wasn't there, then I felt a sharp pain to my face and blood started trickling down, it hit the dead grass and started making a puddle. When I finally decided to look up she was gone, I just laid there.

I finally decided that I had enough, I get used only for information! I'm just a useless being, I pushed myself off the ground and limped to my car, I threw up a few times before making it to my car, I finally reached it and drove out of beacon hills, not taking anything with me or telling anyone I'd left, not that anyone would care or notice

Nightmares are also reality (Stiles/Derek:Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now