A breed designed for killing

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I kept thinking.. Stiles was too strong to be JUST a hybrid, I wasn't exactly sure what he was to be honest, I have some books at my old house, I could look there, I started running to my house and arrived, the fresh smell of burnt wood and ash lingered in the air, I ran inside and looked at the old bookcase, I grabbed some books and started searching, I found some intresting things, that if the bitten one's eyes are a purple or a flame color that means they very powerful and rank up to an alpha but not quite as strong as one, if they did get turned into an alpha then they'd be the strongest ever. This kind is very rare, but then I found something that shocked me, it read 'if they're unaffected by an alpha's position reclaim, then they most likely are part of those who live beneath us in the pit of hell'.. 'they could as easily hurt one other of werewolf if new or have no control, only can their current trance be broken by their mate'

Thats why stiles didn't know what happened when his lips met mine.. No.. "Isaac" I whispered, I put the book down and ran to stiles house, I smelt blood... And lots of it, I jumped through the window and saw Isaac laying there half dead with deep claw marks all over him, I looked over to see stiles covered in isaac's blood, he noticed my presence and lept for me, I stood tall and strong and grabbed him in mid air, if the book was true them stiles should be out of trance when his lips met mine, I pressed my lips against his but it didn't work, I pushed him up against the wall but nothing, his wolf side knew who I was because I could feel it but his demon side didn't, I needed to bite his neck to make sure his demon knew that he was part of my pack, but stiles threw me to the other side of the room and bolted outside, I chased after him but before I could catch him I was paralyzed, I fell to the ground and couldn't move, I knew it was the kanima, "well well.. Derek." I heard an old man say, I knew it was gerard, he picked me up and dragged me into the woods, where a van was sitting.

Nightmares are also reality (Stiles/Derek:Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now