Short tempered

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Derek's POV: I heard him whisper I'm sorry, but before I could do anything he pulled the trigger and a loud boom went through my ears, I bolted into his car and saw his lifeless body, "no-no-NOOOOO!" I growled, I heard the faintest heartbeat ever, he was dying, I had to do something, "please don't hate me" I whispered before growing my canines and biting into his shoulder trying to turn him, I took my canines out and pulled him out of his car, I shifted into full alpha and carried him to my house, I arrive was quicker then I would if I was in normal shift, I shifted back not caring that I was naked, I carried him inside the house and put him on my bed, "please don't give up on me" I whispered before kissing him and sniffing his scent to figure out who'd slashed him, my eyes turned burning red as I smelled Erica on him

I howled and summoned Erica, she came a few minutes after, I shifted full alpha and pinned them to the ground, "explain to me why stiles has claw marks on his face?" I snarled, well I really didn't have control anymore, my wolf took over, " I.. Can't control m-yself" I managed to break out, my wolf snarled at me and clawed both of her arms, 'STOP!' I yelled at my wolf, I managed to gain back control, "go.. NOW! I don't have much control! GO!" I yelled, she ran as fast as she could out into the woods, I ran into my house and upstairs to my room, stiles was still laying on the bed, I got in with him, and wrapped my arms around him, and waited.

I woke up the next morning feeling sick, I looked over and saw stiles still hasn't moves one inch of his pale, lifeless body .

Nightmares are also reality (Stiles/Derek:Sterek)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora