The battle is won

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Okay if you haven't read past the chapter where the bomb goes off you need to go back to the chapter before the author note. I know this probably doesn't make sense but... ya.

Legolas POV.

" Never cut off the bond..." My voice was lost in the noise filled room. " It is meant to be that way." Fallen spoke softly with a accepting look on her face. " Wh-" I started to ask but I was cut of by my own gasp of pain as the digging feeling of pain increased like a sharpened sword was digging into my side. I looked up to see Fallen wince as if in pain for a moment. " Your hurt?" I questioned. " They are taking a beating out there. They need help and quickly." She spoke avoiding the question as well as my eyes.

" YOU SAID HELMS DEEP WOULD NOT FALL AS LONG AS YOUR MEN DEFENDED IT." Aragorn yelled with anger laced in his voice and spit flew from his mouth. I glanced up at him as the room went silent. He stood face to face with the king. His body was rigid and his fists were clenched as he stared the king down. The king had a slightly ashamed look on his face, his eyes focused on the ground like a scolded child.

I turned back to Fallen who now had her deep warm brown eyes closed. " Whatever they do they need to do it fast." She whispered.


I used my front legs to push my self off the ground. My mucles twitched at the movement. I pulled my wings close to my body and moved low to the ground in a defensive stance. Pain washed over my senses threatening to tip me over but I stayed strong. I slashed towards a group of orks with my left front paw sending a bunch of them flying. I growled a low deep growl and a few of the orks took a few leaping steps back afraid of getting caught between my snapping jaws. My sharp white teeth flashed in the fading moonlight like swords. I swished my tail quickly and low to the ground. I was rewarded with multiple satisfying smacking sounds resounding from breaking bodies of orks. I lunged forward and crushed a few bodies between my teeth, shaking them a few times before letting them fly.

Leverin jumped and crushed a few under his feet. We we fighting well but we could not keep this up forever, I was already fighting the darkness trying to force it's way into my vision.

Suddenly a bright light shone over the horizon, I hissed as it blinded me with it's red rays. I squinted to try and make out what was making its way over the ridge of the hill. My heart beated against my chest loudly like a booming war drum. For one terrifying moment it looked like reinforcements for the orks. But as my eyes adjusted I saw Gandalf apon a brilliantly white horse. Eomer road beside him on a chestnut stallion.

Eomer raised his sword with a roaring war cry and the charge began. Whinnying filled the air as the horses hooves pounded the ground like an earth quake. On the other side Aragorn lead the charge out of the keep. Hope filled my tired heart as i saw the determined looks that covered their faces like masks. I pushed myself up onto my hind legs adrenaline masking my pain. I lifted my long neck into the air with my head tipped back and let out a resounding roar that caused the orks to tremble. Leverin got up and did the same.

My front legs slammed back into the ground and like a flash my claws ripped through the bodies of orks like swords. A spray of warm blood splattered my muzzle in return. I jumped, landing on top of some orks. I pinned them under my paw and used my teeth to rip them apart.

As the orks became less the men closer to me were looking at me as if not sure weather to attack or leave me be. Fear was hidden behind their impassive masks. I nodded my head at them and they seemed to get the message.

We finished the rest of the orks with ease and as the last of them were killed I fell over to my side, almost crushing a poor man who's horse reared and galloped off just before I landed. A group of people had formed around me unsure what to make of a fearsome black dragon lying on the battle field, it looked as if Leverin was facing the same problem. One man decided it would be a good idea to come close to my face with his sword pointed at me. I let out a low growl. I stayed in dragon form to weak to change at the moment. I leaned me head back to inspect my torn wing. There was a gash in it going right through the wing. Stringy bits of meat hung of my flesh as blood trickled down the length of my leathery wing like a small brook.

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