Chapter 8

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I got in the black telephone booth around the corner of this town.

"Who you gonna call, Smith?" Adam asked rather harshly.

"Since when did you start calling me by my last name?" I snapped.

"What do you mean?"

"Y-you seem mad when you call me by my last name!" I kinda-shouted.

"It's your fault! Why are you shouting at me?!" he shouted at me. [(A/N): Redundancy intended]

"My fault?! What the hell did I do to you?!"

"You ruined our friendship!" he, again, shouted at me.

"Wh- Look, if this is the kiss-"

"You're still not over that?" he interrupted.

"Oh my- I'm still not over that? You're the one fussing about it!" I shouted. "Besides, it's your fault you kissed me!"

He must've sensed that I was so mad, I think I was gonna explode. "Look, Tara, I-"

"No," I said. "No use apologizing. I ruined our friendship. Now it's over. For good."

"But, remember our necklace?"

I twirled the necklace with my fingers. It was our Friendship Necklace. It was gold with a heart-shaped locket with our pictures in it. Me in the middle, Kiara on the left, and Adam on the right. Without hesitating, I grabbed it, ripped it off my neck and threw it to the cliff.

"It's over, Adam," I said. "Forget it."

(A/N): Sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to update, Btw, does anyone know when the next writing contest? Ya know, like the Wattys or The Wattpad Prize? I really want to enter this once I've finished it. Anyways, please don't hate me for their little fight! More to coome soon. Jut wanted to add somr drama and stuff. Please comment your violent reactions or other kinds of reactions. Oh, and I'm gonna to this QOTD thing for no reason at all.

QOTD: Any guesses about Tara and Adam's "friendship"?

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