bravespirtgirl's dare 3! -Prank Enderlox!

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Micci: Hey peeps! We're back with another dare from @bravespirtgirl! READ THE CARD, Alexandria! :3

Alexandria: I'm tired of this. -.- *reads card*


Hmmm... I dare Sky to prank Ty with that body! (By trying something sexual.)

(In Demonsky's body) Sky: I can never prank Ty, especially something sexual D:

bravespirtgirl: Then prank Enderlox instead.

(In Demonsky's body) Sky: Too easy XD I need Skybrine though.

Skybrine: What?!

[Few minutes later]

(In Demonsky's body) Sky: *waiting outside Enderlox's bedroom door*

Skybrine: *on Enderlox's bed, stripped naked while drunk*

Enderlox: *comes in through the room*  Ooh. Sky kept his deal. *grins and walks closer to Skybrine*

Skybrine: *teleports*

Enderlox: WHAT?! *bucket of water is dumped on him, burning him* OW! SKY! I WILL MURDER YOU!

(In Demonsky's body) Sky: I REGRET NOTHING!

Micci: XD Yes. This will be kind of mature, but not by much. Anyhow, enjoy. Send in more questions and dares!

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