The Preliminaries

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I tuned out the matches until Adara yelled at me. START PAYING ATTENTION, YOU'RE UP NEXT! I groaned and jumped down, not oblivious to the faint blush on Ali's cheeks. Great, so whoever I'm up against must be really hot. He was, but wasn't really my type. He had hair that was gently pushed down on his head and it faded from a deep blue to a rich purple, his eyes a void of black. I smirked. "I decided I want to have some fun today, so I'll actually give you a chance." He laughed. "Cocky are we?" I smiled. "With reason." I clicked my fingers and six of my lions appeared. "Edele, Suna, Allah, offensive. Spieel, Sagte, Sjame, defensive. Formation A, wave after wave." They nodded and formed two rows, taking turns at attacking my enemy, Okami. In this formation defensive and offense are row numbers, offensive is row one and defensive is row two. I performed a camouflaging jutsu and suddenly I was invisible. "Hiding behind your creatures? Pathetic." I smirked, he had no idea what's coming. "Mode B." I announced, my lions switching to a brutal attack, all at once. He was struggling to keep up, and allowing them to lead him to the statue with two hands performing a jutsu. I powered chakra into my feet, and dropped from the statue onto him, knocking him out. I revealed myself and the crowd cheered. I was announced the winner, and made a comment. "I was hoping I'd actually have to use more chakra then that, I only used a millionth of the weakened amount I have right now." The room went silent as I casually walked out and left to my compound, accompanied by the lions I summoned, the villagers were by now used to it. I grabbed some food and headed back. I looked and saw it was Naruto and Kiba, who am I meant to cheer for. None, they both don't deserve it. That was actaully kind of a compliment to me. WELL I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE A COMPLIMENT! Uh huh, right. Kiba started insulting Naruto and I felt hurt that he, my destined soulmate, would think such things about family. Ooh Drama! You like drama? N-No.... Wow, I never thought you would like drama. I DON'T- AGH JUST SHUT UP OR I WILL START BURNING YOU! I ignored Adara's warning and started teasing her, there's no way she can actually burn me. Oh you asked for it kid. I felt a sudden pain in my hand, and looked down to see scorch marks appearing. Oh shoot. I tried my hardest not to yell out in pain, but bottling up the pain only made it hurt worse. Noise started fading out as pain took over, and the last thing I heard was "Naruto Uzumaki wins the match!" Before I faded into a fiery inferno.

Flames were everywhere, and in the middle was a red and orange orb, I reached towards the orb, and touched it, causing it to shatter. Inside was a bird made of fire, like the form Adara took when I summoned her chakra to help Gaara. "Why are you here? You aren't allowed in this corner of your brain, my corner!" I looked confused, I'm in my mind...? "I dunno, I just woke up here after you actually started burning me." She looked amused. "Good times, good times.." She suddenly looked panicked. "Wait, if you're here, that means you passed out, and the burns will spread even quicker, slowly killing you, allow me to wake you up so i don't fade out of existence." I snorted, "glad to know you care about me." I let her do her spell though, and soon I was waking up on a hospital bed, the pain of flames back, as if my insides were actually burning. I yelled out in pain, and a couple people rushed in. "She's awake, but it's dangerous for her to be at the moment, it'll worsen the pain and double the spreading." Adara chuckled. He doesn't know anything, does he? I rolled my eyes, and sat up. "You know nothing about this do you? I can stop this on my own, just as long as I'm awake." They looked at me skeptically, but I simply summoned Adara's chakra to banish the burns and the flames, the doctors looked astonished. "How did this happen?" A nurse asked, and I wondered how to put this. "I upset the magic voice in my head by teasing it about it's love for drama." They looked at me like I was insane, which I am not surprised about. Hey Adara, wanna do your cloak thing? Sure, it is something I always awanted to try. Adara's chakra took her form and surrounded me, my eyes flashed red, now they looked terrified. "Thatw as Adara, she says hi, I'll be leaving now." They nodded, and moved out of my way. I signed out of the hospital and checked the time, the preliminaries should be over now. I went back to my compound to see four terrified people, who seemed to relax when they saw me. "HANA~CHAN WE THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO DIE WHAT HAPPENED?" I laughed nervously, and rubbed the back of my neck. "I teased Adara, the magical fire bird who lives in my head, and yes I have prooth she exists." My cousins were silent, before Ali spoke up. "Proof please." I nodded and did the same as I did at the hospital, receiving a shocked reaction. We had yet another silence before Naruto spoke, or rather, yelled. "OH MY GOSH HANA~CHAN THAT'S SO COOL YOU HAVE A MAGIC FIRE BIRD THINGY!" I smiled and told them about Adara's love for drama, much to ehr displeasure, however, she didn't burn me this time. I think she secretly likes me. In your dreams, hatchling. Oh great, another baby nickname. It's not a nickname, it's your name. 

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