Summoning a Goddess

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While I was trying to summon Megami, my thoughts swirled in my head. I thought of what I'm to become, what Luna's to become. How I'm related to a lot of people I care about. About how I was out FOR A WHOLE MONTH. I wondered if my parents are happy where they are now. Suddenly, I got a idea for summoning Megami. It's seems far fetched, but I'll try it. I peered into my soul and saw my lions, in fact, all animals of the savannah, they were talking to each other and looked happy. I walked past and soon found a forest and wolves wandering through it, looking lost. They seemed sad and avoided each other. I snuck past them and ventured through the forest. It was dark as no sunlight came through. I wandered across a tree surrounded by sunlight, mesmerized I walked forward and saw that the tree had a door on it. I opened the door, and a blinding light, I covered my eyes with my arm. Soon I realized the light had left, and saw Megami. "Child, why do you summon me? What is it that you need?" She asked me her voice delicate yet commanding, it was almost intimidating. "I wish for you to train me and Luna to master the Mori no Megami." She considered it, before nodding. "I will train you, but the final part will have to be done by you. Wake up now child, I will be beside you." I nodded and woke up, to see Megami smiling down at me. We walked off to the others, she told me of heaven and I told her what happened here. We seemed to get along well. Jas and Luna approached and Luna dashed to hug her mom. They shared tears and sweet words, I decided to give them their privacy. I told the others what we'd talked about then walked around the streets of Konoha. A small creamy white dog approached me, barking. I felt a tug at the back of my mind, and pulled at it. Suddenly, I understood what the dog was saying. "Hey, you look like Megami but blonde, are you related or something?" I gasped and nodded. "I'm her niece, I didn't know I could talk to animals!" "Probably part of the Mori thing." I nodded and soon heard quick approaching footsteps. A boy around my age picked up the dog. "I'm so sorry miss, Akamaru just ran to you." I smiled at him. "It's quite alright, my name's Hana, what's yours?" He smiled back. "I'm Kiba, nice to meet you Hana." We shook hands and I felt a slight blush on my cheek. Why did I blush? Wait... Am I sick or something? While I pondered this, someone hugged me from behind and I froze. "HI HANA~CHAN!" Naruto yelled. "Hi Naruto," I replied. He proceeded to drag me to Ichiraku's Ramen. While we ate he told me about the C-Ranked mission he came back from a week ago. Turns out that's what he was talking to the Hokage about. During our conversation, I was deciding whether or not to show Naruto the compound. I was about to say something about it, when the conversation abruptly changed course. "So, Hana~Chan, since you know my uncle, you have to know my parents right?" He looked at me with such hopeful eyes, and I realized this was early in the story, when he didn't know who his parents were. I decided to compromise. "I only know your mom. Her name was Kushina Uzumaki." He nodded."By the way Naruto, since you're officially a part of the family, I'm going to show you the secrets of my side, the Saban'na Clan." He looked excited,and finished off his twentieth bowl of ramen, and allowed me to show the way. When we reached the place, he immediately tried climbing the cliff. I sighed, facepalming. "Naruto, you'll die before making it to the top of the cliff." He paused, and his grip loosened, causing him to fall. I whistled, and one of the guards came out to catch him. It was a vulture. He looked at it terrified. "WHAT IS THAT, AHH IT'S GOING TO EAT ME!" Naruto screamed. "Nie, drop Naruto, carefully." Nie sighed and flew to ground and dropped Naruto, who looked traumatized. "That is one of my animals, please don't kill him, you might have an animal you can communicate with." He nodded, and I summoned Edele, which made him jump six feet in the air. Edele bowed his head. "Moed, why have you summoned me?" I looked to Naruto, who staring at me confused. "Moed? Hana why'd he call you Moed?" Edele narrowed his eyes and stalked towards Naruto. He sniffed Naruto's stomach, and time seemed to stop. "Uhhh, Edele, what are you doing?" His reply was, "Naruto holds the Nine Tailed Demon Fox, that's why he can understand us." I looked at him with wide eyes, pretending to not know, and he smiled sheepishly. "Okay, well let's enter and I'll show you all the animals, there's a ton." He nodded, uncharacteristically quiet. I paid no mind to it. Honestly, I thought it was cool that he's a jinchuriki, I was just surprised. I heard a scream, and glared at Edele, who looked away. Seriously, Sophie and a cheetah, the worst match ever. Naruto looked concerned. "Don't worry, that's just Sophie and Jagter, Jagter keeps chasing her, but because of Edele, they're stuck with each other for life. Naruto snickered and I rolled my eyes. I pointed to the door on my left when we reached the end of the hallway. "There's a guest room, first door to the right, if you want to stay overnight sometime, that's your room." I think he nodded, and we continued on, into the savannah. He gasped, and I smiled at the scene, before Sophie knocked me over as she ran from Jagter. I think she mumbled a sorry, but I couldn't hear it. Megami walked up to us and smiled brightly at Naruto. "Hello child, I sense a troubled past because of a curse spread throughout your family, tell me, what is your name." He smiled. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, the next Hokage! Believe it!" Megami's face brightened. "An Uzumaki, you must be related to Kushina!" Naruto nodded. "She's my mom!" Megami hugged him, surprising us. "I made a promise to Kushina after Sammi married her brother. I promised that no matter what happened, I would protect her children." She turned to me. "Hana, my stay in this world will be extended." I nodded, and Naruto spoke up. "Stay on this world? Where else would you be?" She turned back to him. "Ah, child, my name is Megami, and I am the Mori no Megami, the Forest Goddess, and Hana's aunt." He looked in awe. "I originally came here to train my daughter Luna, and Hana, in their power that they inherited from me. Luna will become the next Mori no Megami, and Hana will become the Dobutsu no Gadian, the Guardian of Animals, however she will reside in this world, she doesn't have enough power to join me and my darling in the heaven above." I smiled sheepishly as Naruto started asking questions about my power. Megami chuckled. "Come now, Hana, we must begin training." I nodded, and Naruto went around to check things.

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