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I walked through the library in search of the books James said would perhaps help me practice my magic. As I searched through the shelves I couldn't help think back to that cave, I couldn't help wonder why that man wanted to end the world. I couldn't understand what benefit it would bring him. I wanted to know, to understand where his need to destruction came from.

I sighed running my hand through my hair. Who was I to even try to stop him? Could I even do that? I could barely understand my own powers, how would I take someone like him down? Could I even do that?

I realise rather sadly that I can't do this alone but I had no other choice. Gabriel hated me, he wouldn't want to help me. I could almost hear him in my head, telling me that this was my own problem since the man showed me his plans. I frowned, Xavier, well, I didn't know where he was, if he was even alive even.

Fraden would want to help, in fact, it looked like he wouldn't allow me to do this without him. I found myself groaning in frustration and laying my head against a random shelf. How had live become so complicated? How had I landed myself into this mess? I honestly would have given anything in that moment to disappear or even be born as someone else.

I continued looking then after I gave myself a nod. I had to stop thinking this way, I needed to think positively and at least try to do my best to be stronger so that I could protect my family. I paused and blinked, my hand on a bright purple book.

"Family?" I mumbled out loud and laughed. I had to admit, in the shortest time ever, I had begun to think of them as family, my new family. I smiled then, "yeah, family sounds just right."

I found myself pulling the bright purple book without a title into my hands before looking on the same shelf where a book entitled A history of a Magic, by someone named Josephine. Just Josephine, no last name. I shrugged and took them to the back of this room where the table was.

I sat by the window and sighed. "Great, now I get to read." I chuckled and shook my head. "How ironic."

I grabbed the purple book and frowned. Why had I taken it exactly? I wasn't entirely sure? Did I regret it? Perhaps. Was it useful? Let's find out.

I opened it and...blank. I turned the page and grabbed a who bunch of papers and they were all white. Not a single mark and I gapped.

"What?" I mumbled to myself. "Did I just find an empty diary or something?" I huffed and shook my head. It was honestly too big to be a diary. I then placed my hand on the empty pages and something cool happened. My eyes widened as a blue light lit the pages. "Oh," I said as the blue light gathered into a ball of blue mist.

Well, Linus! This means you've found yourself! Isn't that awesome!? My eyes widened at the sound of my own voice coming from the mist of blue. I know what your thinking. Who the hell sounds exactly like you. Well, its you, from 500 years ago when the stupid man decided that we all need to make a diary. Honestly what good would this even do!? Some of us hate to read!

I gasped and yelled in absolute fear,I fell backwards onto the ground and ground.

"What the hell was that!? Who what!? No!" I crawled away and guess what? The blue ball was gone and the purple book was closed. "Okay, it looks like I'm going crazy." I had managed to sit and lean against the shelf. I grabbed a hold of my chest and took deep breaths.

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