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He was an annoying little thing, that much was obvious. He complained about every thing like a brat. It was a wonder I hadn't swallowed him whole.

"I mean seriously! I'm not a big fan of snakes, alright!? I can't deal! You need to promise me they won't show up."

"I can not do that." I told him honestly as we walked through the forest.

"Ugh! This is so disgusting! Wait, why are we going this way? Your home is that cave! Why did we leave it if you want to go home!? This makes no sense."

"That was not my home, you idiot."

"What? Then what was it?" I stopped and turned to him, he stumbled. "Woah!" He nearly fell and I grabbed his arm.

"That was my prison,alright?" I confessed calmly. "The Supreme Council deemed me to dangerous for the world and because they couldn't kill me, confinement was the next  best thing." He blinked his intriguing purple eyes which were filled with curiosity but also fear. I smirked, let go of him and turned to continue our journey.

It would be so much easier for me to shift and travel in snake form, it was faster, more efficient and these legs were useless. As thick and strong as they looked, using them annoyed me. I saw in various colours of orange,green, yellow and specks of red. I blinked and allowed my eyes to shift to their human state, of dark brown. The change had me blinking rapidly to adjust to the sudden brightness of sunlight.

"Why couldn't they kill you?" He asked after a while rather quietly.

"You want to kill me,huh?" I chuckled pushing branches out of my way. "You'll have a hard time trying but go ahead." I told him instead.

I wasn't about to reveal to him why, not when it would raise the question of what can kill me. That kind of information, one does not go around giving.

"Fine!" He huffed, "why am I with you anyway!? Why haven't you killed me? Can't you just let me go?" His constant questions were too much. He wanted so many answers so soon. It was... unbearable.

"I'm supposed to be imprisoned, nobody should know I'm not and since you set me free somehow," I looked at him and smirked. "I can't let you go, can't let you go around telling people what you saw or did, now can I?" He blinked.

We came into a clearing then and a black mamba found it's way to me.

Master!  It called me, you are here! I smiled as it slithered around me before climbing onto my leg and wrapping around my waist.

"Indeed I am, how are you?" I asked the gorgeous reptile.

Hungry, she stated and flicked her tongue out. But otherwise very good,especially now that I have seen you. I chuckled as she slithered down.

"News travel's too fast." I told her and she hummed. "What will I find in that direction?" I asked her pointing to where she had come from.

Wolves! One of them nearly killed me,master! It was horrible, don't go there. She confessed and I nodded.

"Thank you," I told her and she hummed before moving away to find food.

4.The Serpent's Caster (ManxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now