Why me?!?!

43 2 0

As I sit here 

In this empty room

Crying my self asleep

I can't help wondering 

Why am I always treated like shit?

Why am I unloved?

Is there even such a thing as love?

Will I find this "love"?

Is there such a thing as happiness?

Will I ever be happy?

Why am I just so sad?

Why am I even alive?

Why am I fat?

Why am I ugly?

Why am I useless?

Why can't I be at peace?

Why cant I be happy?

Why can't I be loved?

Why can't I be me?

Why do I put my mask on?

Why must I hide?

Why me?

What have I ever done?

As I sit in my

Dark room all

I want to know is

Why me?

The Unknown Us (poems)Where stories live. Discover now