hiding from my true feelings

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How am I supposed

To show you how

I feel

When you keep

Running away?

You let the ones

Within take control

While you hide away

From the world and me

You are letting them

destroy my life with you

and you have no clue that

They are do it at all

That feeling of pure

Bliss that we get when

It is the true us is what

I crave and I know you do as well

I know I'm being

A hypocrite since

I am doing the same

Thing but I have more

Control of it

I want to show you

how I truly feel about you

But you won't accept it

At all

Claiming that

It isn't real

But how the Hell

would you know

When you don't

Know how I feel

Only I do

You and them

All want to pretend

That everything isn't

Real or true

But you wouldn't

Know since you don't

Know me since

You keep hiding

From me

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